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Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend)

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Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend) Empty Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend)

Post by earlyg 01/12/21, 11:32 am

Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend) Img_3512
Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend) Img_3510
Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend) Img_3511

This was a few years back, but I thought I'd post it anyway.  Buck ran up at 20 yards and when I let loose the arrow, he heard the noise of my bow and apparently had just finished watching The Matrix, so I guess he thought he was Neo or something...   My bow brushed the top of the blind when I drew back the bow, so he was alert, I also meant to aim lower but I bumped the release a little early due to some buck fever (you can see the arrow in flight in the second pic, and it goes right over his back and never touches him in the third pic, I got the whole thing on video so he can rub it in for the rest of my days)


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Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend) Empty Re: Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend)

Post by Bushfire 01/12/21, 12:14 pm

I've had that happen, I learnt one thing they can't jump is a bullet!

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Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend) Empty Re: Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend)

Post by Admin 02/12/21, 05:11 pm

Bushfire wrote:I've had that happen, I learnt one thing they can't jump is a bullet!

Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend) 1139610133

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Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend) Empty Re: Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend)

Post by earlyg 03/12/21, 06:15 pm

If you want to hear something really funny…when I hunt whitetail with my crossbow in my Uncle’s box blind, I regularly aim about 6” UNDER the deer to get a heart/lung shot (I don’t have room to draw my bow, and the crossbow in the blind sounds like a .22 going off).  I had my arrow sail over the deer about 3 times before I figured that out.🙄


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Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend) Empty Re: Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend)

Post by Admin 03/12/21, 06:53 pm

earlyg wrote:If you want to hear something really funny…when I hunt whitetail with my crossbow in my Uncle’s box blind, I regularly aim about 6” UNDER the deer to get a heart/lung shot (I don’t have room to draw my bow, and the crossbow in the blind sounds like a .22 going off).  I had my arrow sail over the deer about 3 times before I figured that out.🙄

I fully understand.

these Whitetail are incredibly sensitive deer, They react to things FAST! Before i moved here to North Idaho (11 years ago) I had Hunted Blacktail and Mule Deer exclusively, Most of them we literally hunted down, Tracking in Snow Etc. You can imagine what a LAUGH that was trying to Hunt these Whitetail like that Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend) 1696809945  These things are a WHOLE DIFFERENT Level of intelligence. The best, most productive way to hunt these Whitetail is by Sitting in a Reasonably concealed place and Patiently waiting

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Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend) Empty Re: Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend)

Post by earlyg 03/12/21, 07:20 pm

You’re right lew, these whitetail are something else, sometimes I wish we had something easier to hunt down here in Texas. And since they’re smaller throughout most of Texas it’s even worse!!  So fast and skittish, but it’s a fun  challenge.  I haven’t gotten a chance to hunt Elk yet, but they are at the top of my list (lots of meat, beautiful, and majestic creatures).


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Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend) Empty Re: Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend)

Post by Ivan Wagurak 06/12/21, 06:06 pm

I can honestly say I’ve never had a deer jump my string as of this year, not saying it’s never happened to me in the past, Let me explain why, I do shoot a smoking fast bow and up till this spring I knew it was wicked loud no matter what I did to silence it. It wasn’t till I started shooting heavier and heavier arrows that it got quieter and quieter, my arrows now weigh a whopping 760gr and I’m happy with it, yes you are all right that trajectory suffers but my long shot is 40 yards, the deer at 20 never jumped the string  not the deer at 40, I do shoot a 350gr single bevel broad head on my compound.  They and my bow are tuned together and I can put all my arrows un fletched in a 2” circle at 40 yards of course that’s during the building tuning stage. I do have a more reasonable set for target shooting that I hit the same hole at 80 yards. I’m not telling any one how they should shoot they’re stuff this is how I fixed that very noisy problem with mine. And just for a side note that broad head blows through both shoulder both lungs arteries and still fully exits. Happy hunting everyone! Again this is how I fixed my noisy deer jumping my sting problem, all deer just stood there like nothin had ever happened usually fall over dead with in 15 yards, I like short tracking jobs
Ivan Wagurak
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Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend) Empty Re: Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend)

Post by Ivan Wagurak 06/12/21, 07:19 pm

Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend) Dd09c810
Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend) E51fce10
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Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend) Empty Re: Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend)

Post by Ivan Wagurak 06/12/21, 07:21 pm

The top pic is a field point with a broad-head, the bottom pic is fletch less tuning
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Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend) Empty Re: Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend)

Post by Ivan Wagurak 06/12/21, 07:24 pm

Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend) 3fc4fb10
Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend) E54ebf10
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Ivan Wagurak

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Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend) Empty Re: Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend)

Post by Ivan Wagurak 06/12/21, 07:26 pm

The top one is the 350gr field point and bottom is that 350gr broad head, the 27.5” arrow shaft is a 250 spine carbon express pile driver 😁need I say more they shoot really really good for me and my bow seems to really like them as well
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Ivan Wagurak

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Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend) Empty Re: Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend)

Post by tx_basser 24/12/21, 04:23 am

Had a spike do that this year. Broke my heart as it would have been my first archery deer. I kept telling myself to aim lower for that but didnt.


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Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend) Empty Re: Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend)

Post by Admin 24/12/21, 06:31 am

Ivan, What is your Draw weight? Do you know what velocity you are getting with those Big heavy arrows?

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Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend) Empty Re: Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend)

Post by Ivan Wagurak 24/12/21, 10:31 am

Lol well Lewis my draw is actually 65 and my actual arrow speed is slow like 200fps the deer just stand there if they hear my bow it’s not loud enough to alarm them. My wife can’t hear me shooting it and she’s right next to me. I shot fast arrows they weighed 425gr-450gr and the left my bow at 300 fps at 73# almost sounded like a 22 going off no matter what I put on for silencers and had 100% of the deer jump the string. but this year with those monstrosity’s I’m shooting they all just stood there like nothing ever happened. My bow is dead silent. I have to limit my shots to 45 yard just due to trajectory but I target shoot about to 80 yards. Can I shoot faster yes can I shoot flatter yes but at what cost? Missed deer maybe or risk a bad shot because the deer reacted to the shot differently. I don’t want to risk it. My arrows go through both leg bones no questions asked just slightly forward of the V and 2 good blood trails too I might add. I get almost no wind drift either at a 30mph cross wind. Before I wrecked my draw shoulder I was at 73# I can’t really draw more than the 65 due to the injury. But where the deer aren’t alarmed or startled the usually just walk maybe 10-15 yards and just fall over real short tracking job
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Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend) Empty Re: Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend)

Post by Ivan Wagurak 24/12/21, 10:43 am

While heavy arrows aren’t for everyone they’re right for me, I built them not for when everything goes right but when everything goes wrong. My first bow deer was a button buck at 3 feet so it really didn’t matter how fast that bow shot then ( first compound shot like 260 with a 400hr arrow). My heavies are 750gr and 26% weight forward of center my inspiration is Dr Ed Ashby. But like I said heavy arrows aren’t for everyone
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Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend) Empty Re: Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend)

Post by Ivan Wagurak 24/12/21, 10:54 am

Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend) B6548b10

One arrow has a field point and the other has a broadhead this is at 40 yards
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Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend) Empty Re: Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend)

Post by Ivan Wagurak 24/12/21, 10:55 am

Merry Christmas everyone!
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Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend) Empty Re: Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend)

Post by Ivan Wagurak 24/12/21, 01:11 pm

tx_basser wrote:Had a spike do that this year.  Broke my heart as it would have been my first archery deer.  I kept telling myself to aim lower for that but didnt.

I missed 2 because I aimed below the deer both doe 1 at an easy 20 and 1 at 40. The deer never moved when I pulled the trigger on my release just stood there . I built heavy arrows to deaden the noise from my bow and forgot not to aim low. Oh well there’s always next season 😁 I’ll remember I’m sure, do you hunt from a stand or blind or spot n stock?
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Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend) Empty Re: Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend)

Post by tx_basser 24/12/21, 03:37 pm

I used to just hunt from ground blind being a large man. (6'4" - 260), but my buddy convinced me to get a climber. It really opened my eyes at seeing more deer during archery season. I got a Summit Goliath rated for 350 lbs and it is extremely comfortable and I can get 25-30 ft up.


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Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend) Empty Re: Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend)

Post by tx_basser 24/12/21, 03:41 pm

I will add.. hunting public ground here in Texas the woods are thick and the shots/encounters you get are fleeting. Things go from trying to stay awake to full on grabbing your bow off the hook and trying to find a shot window before they disappear again.


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Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend) Empty Re: Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend)

Post by Ivan Wagurak 25/12/21, 09:45 am

Don’t I know it! I’m up here in Maine. I have both ground blind and tree stand. the one a 20 was from a blind the 40 was from the stand. Me I’m rather small frame 5’7”165. Last bow hunt this season was great was seeing lots of deer just in the brush at 70 yards I happened to look over my left shoulder because I kept hearing something behind me, when I turned back around facing the correct direction there was a doe looking at me from 22 yards she didn’t run off just looked at me so I slowly as possible drew back and took aim then the property owner was yelling at his dog from 125 yards away, she looked their direction and stared for 30 seconds. Mean while I’m still at full draw (she was too steep quartering to) then she hopped once so only he rump was out of the bushes she stayed there for 2 more long minutes. I finally had to let the bow down after almost 4 minutes total. She ended up hopping off the way she came from. Then 5 minutes later another doe popped out at 40 I drew anchored maimed down a little and fired…….. the arrow went just under her she stood there for a few more seconds then wandered off.
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Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend) Empty Re: Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend)

Post by Admin 25/12/21, 10:18 am

I currently shoot a 400 Grain arrow at 305 Fps

I shot this Bear with my current setup a few years ago, Me and my Dad were Elk Hunting (Cow Calling to be exact) This Bear Showed up, Which was a FATAL Mistake he made Very Happy  I shot him behind the Front Shoulder, the Arrow ZIPPED Through him like Butter, He was Spraying blood from his Face when he turned to Run, He didn’t go more than 20-30 Yards
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Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend) Empty Re: Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend)

Post by Ivan Wagurak 25/12/21, 02:23 pm

Absolutely nice 😁
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Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend) Empty Re: Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend)

Post by Ivan Wagurak 25/12/21, 02:30 pm

My brother last year made a terrible shot and the deer ran away with the arrow sticking out of its shoulder. Looked to me like he hit the leg bone square on I was sick to my stomach after that and the deer was never recovered un fortunately. So I set out to make sure that that’s not me And I’ve been trying to help him to make sure that doesn’t happen again. He did end up getting a small button black tail this year and he did finish last year with a nice doe black tail though. But these newer compounds are great as far as accuracy and speed some seem to be noisy than others lol I seem to have the loudest one out there 😜 I just need to figure out how much deer hunting and waterfowl hunting and how to maximize both we have multiple seasons that over lap so I may just devote more time to big game
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Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend) Empty Re: Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend)

Post by Ivan Wagurak 28/12/21, 05:38 am

Jumping the string...it's a real thing (sound travels faster than an arrow my friend) 5bdfe910

Just finished building my new bow string. I use Bcy fibers for everything. Just really good products. The string material I use is the X99 and the serving I use is 3D for my ends and center serving. I keep it tensioned to approximately 300# while building it and serving it. Take about 2-3 hours total then I keep it tensioned over night. Now all I have to do is install it after I finish my coffee lol. Then it’s on to the cables 😜
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