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Percussion caps sticking in hammer or worse.

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Percussion caps sticking in hammer or worse.  Empty Percussion caps sticking in hammer or worse.

Post by gle3105 30/03/22, 06:42 pm

I was thinking of using an end mill and facing the internal cap area of the hammer I’m having difficulty with.
Some will stick in the hammer. Some just split open and ( disapperate ) Harry Potter term lol.
I figured the the “diasapperated caps might be due to an enlarged nipple hole. Sure enough.

But hopefully not to get of subject. A good method to square off the hammer facec to nipple recommendation?


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Percussion caps sticking in hammer or worse.  Empty Re: Percussion caps sticking in hammer or worse.

Post by Admin 30/03/22, 08:06 pm

gle3105 wrote:I was thinking of using an end mill and facing the internal cap area of the hammer I’m having difficulty with.
Some will stick in the hammer. Some just split open and ( disapperate ) Harry Potter term lol.
I figured the the “diasapperated caps might be due to an enlarged nipple hole. Sure enough.

But hopefully not to get of subject. A good method to square off the hammer facec to nipple recommendation?

I have this same problem from time to time, It can be a Nuisance for sure! I always have a little Flat Screwdriver when i am shooting, If i get a Stuck Cap in the Hammer Face/Cup i simply pluck it out with the little Screwdriver. This is not a Fix, it’s just what i do

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Percussion caps sticking in hammer or worse.  Empty Re: Percussion caps sticking in hammer or worse.

Post by Bronko22000 01/04/22, 09:33 pm

I don't think its that unusual. I get them too. It just goes with the territory. Maybe a bit of fouling up in the hammer recess causes them to stick occasionally.

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Percussion caps sticking in hammer or worse.  Empty Re: Percussion caps sticking in hammer or worse.

Post by Ironhead 09/04/22, 05:47 pm

I occasionally have a spent cap stick inside the hammer cup but it's rare. I always have a small pocket knife for such. It's a real pain when you get 2 or 3 stuck in there that you didn't notice and start to get hang fires or the gun doesn't fire at all.

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Percussion caps sticking in hammer or worse.  Empty Re: Percussion caps sticking in hammer or worse.

Post by Gunpa 13/04/22, 10:27 am

Musket caps take care of that problem.


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Join date : 2022-04-08

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Percussion caps sticking in hammer or worse.  Empty Re: Percussion caps sticking in hammer or worse.

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