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PA Game Commission releases deer harvest report

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PA Game Commission releases deer harvest report Empty PA Game Commission releases deer harvest report

Post by Bronko22000 31/03/22, 08:14 am


Just as us PA hunters thought - a lot less deer were harvested last year.  IMO one reason is the lack of hunters after the PGC issued too many anterless tags to reduce the herd. Hunters were getting frustrated not seeing any deer. I agree it needed to be reduced but they should have done it gradually and kept analyzing the results not issue thousands of additional tags in a single year and subsequent years.
The PGC is getting money from logging and fracking with licensing being more or less supplemental income.  
While I agree the antler restriction idea was a good one I don't agree on how they handled the deer herd reduction.

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Join date : 2022-01-20
Age : 71
Location : Locust Gap, PA

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PA Game Commission releases deer harvest report Empty Re: PA Game Commission releases deer harvest report

Post by JCamp 15/04/22, 01:05 am

I ain’t seen the numbers for Ohio but I had the worst year I’ve ever had. I think mine was due to the reduced deer population in my area and the fact that idiot neighbors let their dogs run loose. For some reason I had all sorts of rabbits this year. When hunting tho i about seen more dogs than deer. I hate to mess with a persons pet but as my mom always said “if they think so much of them they should tie them up to keep them on their own property”. No one with any ground is the problem in my area. It’s all the folks that have a half acre and think they need 3 large dogs as pets and let them run wild. One way or another I expect they won’t be as big of a problem next year. I spoke to one of my neighbors that owns a large chunk of ground and he’s fed up from experiencing the same thing.


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PA Game Commission releases deer harvest report Empty Re: PA Game Commission releases deer harvest report

Post by EdMehlig 15/04/22, 05:49 am

Clem, me too. I never even saw a deer during hunting hours but saw a couple as I was walking out in an open field, at the end of the day. GRRRR In fact, none of my family harvested a deer this year.

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