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62 caliber twist

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62 caliber twist  Empty 62 caliber twist

Post by Muzzleloader hunter 18/04/22, 03:55 pm

I'm going to take a Thompson center renegade to Bob Hoyt to have him bore out to 62 cal. My question is what twist should I have him put in the gun I will probably mostly shoot round balls but would also like to have options to shoot a conical bullet if I can find a good mould.

Muzzleloader hunter

Posts : 17
Join date : 2022-03-19

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62 caliber twist  Empty Re: 62 caliber twist

Post by Admin 18/04/22, 08:37 pm

Are you sure he can Bore a TC Renegade it out to .62 Cal? I know he can go .58, but i can’t remember hearing of anyone going to .62 Cal?

You could go with a 1:48 Type Twist like TC did with their Rifles, 1:48 Twist is considered a “Middle of the Road, Compromise Twist” it is not a Master of Roundball or Conical, But is suppose to shoot either or Reasonably well. Me personally, I would avoid the “Compromise” Twist and go with a Dedicated Roundball Twist of 1:66, no more than 1:72, A .62 Cal Roundball is a SERIOUS Hunk of Lead.

.626" weighs 368.4gr.
.615" weighs 350.0gr.
.606" weighs 333.3gr.
.596" weighs 318.2gr.

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Age : 40
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62 caliber twist  Empty Re: 62 caliber twist

Post by Muzzleloader hunter 19/04/22, 04:59 am

He can do 62 cal it has a 1" barrel.

Muzzleloader hunter

Posts : 17
Join date : 2022-03-19

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62 caliber twist  Empty Re: 62 caliber twist

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