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FS: #11 Percussion Weather Guards

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FS: #11 Percussion Weather Guards Empty FS: #11 Percussion Weather Guards

Post by Buckskins&BlackPowder 28/11/21, 06:55 pm

***Do not confuse them with cap keepers!***

This nipple cover is strictly that!  An air tight, weather tight cover that slips over an empty, uncapped #11 nipple, to seal it while traveling to/from your hunting area.

Made of flexible plastic.

Powder weakening moisture is barred by the tight fit of the rubber stopper. Your rifle will be ready to shoot in the morning. Just remove the cover, cap and you are ready to fire.

Sold in a 6 pack.

FS: #11 Percussion Weather Guards 100_1911

Posts : 112
Join date : 2021-11-26
Age : 40
Location : Colorado


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