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Big fan of ya Idaho Lewis

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Big fan of ya Idaho Lewis Empty Big fan of ya Idaho Lewis

Post by RZingler 12/11/22, 10:10 am

Been watching your videos for several years now and got into muzzleloading cause of you. My name is Ryan, I’m 36, live in Texas, and have been using muzzle loaders for about 9 years now. Been need some help on an older knight Mk85 50 cal I got from my dad and he’s never shot it. I’ve shot it a few times and converted it to use 209 primers. and just needing some help on a good bullet and powder. I saw a post where you talked about a patched bullet. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I do reload and cast my own but have only been into that for a couple years now.


Posts : 3
Join date : 2022-11-12

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