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Hello from Idaho

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Hello from Idaho Empty Hello from Idaho

Post by IdahoPRB 01/01/23, 03:29 pm

I have been shooting & hunting with a muzzleloader since the 1980's but just started shooting conicals a couple years ago, which lead me to this site, among others. I became frustrated with a round ball's performance on elk which is what started experimentation and research with conicals. My first was a 58 caliber Investarms Hawken, shooting the REAL bullet ~410 grs. I was super impressed with it's performance on elk and have since expanded to several other rifles in 50 caliber. I have followed Idaho Ron and Idaho Lewis's experiments & tutorials. I am excited to learn and do more.


Posts : 3
Join date : 2022-11-03

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Hello from Idaho Empty Re: Hello from Idaho

Post by Kurt 22/01/23, 09:22 pm

IdahoPRB. I will be looking forward to any posts you make on your experiences shooting the conicals. I have shot the REAL in 50 caliber and hope to do some more testing to see if I need a new mould. I may try one of Lee's minnies?


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Join date : 2021-12-17
Location : PA

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Hello from Idaho Empty Re: Hello from Idaho

Post by squattingdog 23/01/23, 07:39 am

Until Colorado changed the law to .54 cal. with PRB, we have had no problem taking down elk with the .50 cal. PRB.

Posts : 203
Join date : 2022-05-15
Location : Colorado


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Hello from Idaho Empty Re: Hello from Idaho

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