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Going from a Williams FP-Hawken Peep to a Soule type

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Going from a Williams FP-Hawken Peep to a Soule type Empty Going from a Williams FP-Hawken Peep to a Soule type

Post by drpatton 16/01/23, 08:31 pm

I have several T/C Renegades with a Williams FP-Hawken peeps on the tang. I want to take one off and replace it with a Soule type. Probably a Lee shaver, but not certain at this point. Does that mean another hole must be drilled in the tang?

What I fear is every time I change the rear tang sight, I have to add another hole in it. Is this true and if so, how can I avoid it?
I haven't found any standardization among manufactures. I hope there is, but I have not seen it.

If I have a 57SML and go to a FP-Hawken or vice versa, does that mean another set of holes in the tang?

Thanks in advance


Posts : 3
Join date : 2022-11-18

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