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CVA Mountain Pistol

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CVA Mountain Pistol  Empty CVA Mountain Pistol

Post by Ironhead 13/02/22, 01:18 pm

My favorite old pistol. I carry it with me hunting. It's dead on out to about 30 yards, loaded up with 45 grains of 3f Swiss and a Hornady PA conical bullet. CVA Mountain Pistol  20211011

Posts : 23
Join date : 2022-02-13
Age : 71
Location : Oklahoma

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CVA Mountain Pistol  Empty Re: CVA Mountain Pistol

Post by Desperate Lee 05/04/22, 10:02 am

I too have a CVA Mountain pistol in 50 cal. I bought several hundred Hornady PA bullets strickley for this pistol. I hace yet to fire it. Was wondering about loads for this. You said 45 grains Swiss 3f, that a good stout load or is it mild? I have Swiss 3f, 2f and Goex 3f plus Pyrodex P.
Desperate Lee
Desperate Lee

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Join date : 2022-02-13

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CVA Mountain Pistol  Empty Re: CVA Mountain Pistol

Post by Ironhead 05/04/22, 01:46 pm

I saw a load chart for CVA and 60 grains by volume of 3f is the max load for pistols.
I think the 45 grains that I use is stout enough.
I would recommend starting at about 25 grains volume of whichever 3f you choose and work up your load from there.
I think you'll enjoy shooting your pistol.

Posts : 23
Join date : 2022-02-13
Age : 71
Location : Oklahoma

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CVA Mountain Pistol  Empty Re: CVA Mountain Pistol

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