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Swiss vs 777

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Swiss vs 777 Empty Swiss vs 777

Post by EdMehlig 22/04/22, 07:27 am

Lew, I know you said you were impressed with the velocity you were getting with 777 with your ML's. I don't know if I missed it, but I was just curious if you ever did a comparison on the accuracy of Swiss vs 777?

I'm going out either this afternoon or tomorrow to Dixon's ML store to pick up a tin of Musket caps as they only allow one per customer and will be picking up another lb of Swiss 2F to make sure I have enough for this year.


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Swiss vs 777 Empty Re: Swiss vs 777

Post by Bronko22000 22/04/22, 08:21 am

Funny thing you mention that Ed. I was wondering that myself. I too plan on trying T7 later this year. And because of Goex and Alliant Black MZ not being made right now I will be load testing with Swiss and T7.
I do have a pretty good supply of both but I keep a log book ofwhat muzzies shoot what load the best.

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Join date : 2022-01-20
Age : 71
Location : Locust Gap, PA

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