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American Pioneer Powder 3F VS Triple Seven 3F

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American Pioneer Powder 3F VS Triple Seven 3F Empty American Pioneer Powder 3F VS Triple Seven 3F

Post by Admin 11/12/21, 07:33 pm

I did a quick velocity test with American Pioneer Powder 3F Grade, This was 80 Grains Volume (Which came out to 70 Grains in WEIGHT) Same .50 Cal Rifle, And Bullet as yesterday’s Swiss 2F VS Triple Seven 3F Test

American Pioneer Powder 3F VS Triple Seven 3F 5ZrWvmd
American Pioneer Powder 3F VS Triple Seven 3F P9Czdgc
American Pioneer Powder 3F VS Triple Seven 3F 4D1R4y1

This is some pretty Anemic Stuff, Triple Seven 3F BLOWS this Stuff away with the same Weight/Volume Charge, it’s not even close. Again, 80 Grains VOLUME (70 Grains in WEIGHT)
American Pioneer Powder 3F VS Triple Seven 3F 1w110Ds

And Triple Seven 3F, 80 Grains Volume (70 Grains by Weight)
American Pioneer Powder 3F VS Triple Seven 3F JiV0QIQ
American Pioneer Powder 3F VS Triple Seven 3F EiCRocR

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American Pioneer Powder 3F VS Triple Seven 3F Empty Re: American Pioneer Powder 3F VS Triple Seven 3F

Post by Admin 11/12/21, 07:48 pm

Something I thought was really interesting, Both of these Powders (Triple Seven & American Pioneer) Are both 3F Grade

Triple Seven is MUCH Finer, This American Pioneer 3F is every bit as Course as my 2F Grade Powders, With My Swiss 2F being finer than this
American Pioneer Powder 3F VS Triple Seven 3F PPC4wpg

Zoomed in Closer
American Pioneer Powder 3F VS Triple Seven 3F 4XBhU3V

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American Pioneer Powder 3F VS Triple Seven 3F Empty Re: American Pioneer Powder 3F VS Triple Seven 3F

Post by Admin 12/12/21, 04:25 am

I plan to do some more testing with this American Pioneer 3F Powder, First I want to reach my Velocity goal which is 1,350 to 1,400 Fps with this 430 Grain Bullet. My next outing (possibly this morning) will be with 90 Grains by WEIGHT (about 110 Volume) and see what that gives me for velocity? If velocity is close, i will Group shoot as well

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American Pioneer Powder 3F VS Triple Seven 3F Empty Re: American Pioneer Powder 3F VS Triple Seven 3F

Post by EasternOregon .50cal GPR 12/12/21, 07:58 am

when shooting the triple 7 does the fowling wipe out like the swiss powder fowling does???

EasternOregon .50cal GPR

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American Pioneer Powder 3F VS Triple Seven 3F Empty Re: American Pioneer Powder 3F VS Triple Seven 3F

Post by Admin 12/12/21, 08:36 am

EasternOregon .50cal GPR wrote:when shooting the triple 7 does the fowling wipe out like the swiss powder fowling does???

Yes it does American Pioneer Powder 3F VS Triple Seven 3F 3355125947 The swabbing mixture of Hoppes #9 and Isopropyl Alcohol mixed 50/50 Works EXTREMELY well. I use 2 Wet Patches, and 2 Dry

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American Pioneer Powder 3F VS Triple Seven 3F Empty Re: American Pioneer Powder 3F VS Triple Seven 3F

Post by Admin 12/12/21, 12:17 pm

This American Pioneer Powder was a “Bust” for me, This will likely be my last go around with it

90 Grains by Weight (about 110 Volume) Showed 1,470 Fps over my Chronograph, But I don’t really trust that, This stuff wasn’t burning efficient for whatever reason? I am thinking 90 Grains by weight is just to much of this powder. I tried a 3 Shot Group and it was Horrible at best, The 3rd Shot was a Dud, It went off, But Hardly any felt recoil, and the Bullet didn’t even make it to the Target, The first 2 Shots were 8 inches apart  Shocked

In short, I don’t like this stuff at all, It is really Course and doesn’t flow through my Funnels, Very uneven Granules. This is likely where i will end with this powder, i am pretty unimpressed with it, a Waste of time and Lead in my opinion.

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American Pioneer Powder 3F VS Triple Seven 3F Empty Re: American Pioneer Powder 3F VS Triple Seven 3F

Post by Shorty 23/01/22, 06:04 pm

Shot some the other day, old stuff, shot like garbage and thats were its going...


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American Pioneer Powder 3F VS Triple Seven 3F Empty Re: American Pioneer Powder 3F VS Triple Seven 3F

Post by Ivan Wagurak 03/02/22, 04:39 pm

It shot like garbage because it is garbage lol
Ivan Wagurak
Ivan Wagurak

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American Pioneer Powder 3F VS Triple Seven 3F Empty Re: American Pioneer Powder 3F VS Triple Seven 3F

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