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Thompson Center Patriot age

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Thompson Center Patriot age Empty Thompson Center Patriot age

Post by bigjack101 04/02/22, 01:03 am

Anyone have an idea of when a Patriot with the serial number in the 8,500 range would have been made? Have you ever seen one with gold inlay in the lock plate engraving? Thanks.


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Thompson Center Patriot age Empty Re: Thompson Center Patriot age

Post by Admin 07/02/22, 08:24 am

I don’t think you can get a Date of Manufacture by TC Serial numbers? I have read so much conflicting info on the Internet over the years that i gave up.

It’s kinda like the Spade, and M on the Underside of TC Hawken & Renegade Barrels, Supposedly the Spade means it was made By the Sharon Barrel Company, and the M was Supposedly made by Green Mountain. But who actually knows this for an ABSOLUTE Fact?

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Thompson Center Patriot age Empty Re: Thompson Center Patriot age

Post by bigjack101 07/02/22, 03:37 pm

Agreed,it's a crapshoot dating these.


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Thompson Center Patriot age Empty Re: Thompson Center Patriot age

Post by Admin 07/02/22, 05:24 pm

bigjack101 wrote:Agreed,it's a crapshoot dating these.

A guy has to be careful of certain info you get on forums, The old saying “If you tell a BS Story long enough it becomes believable” is really true in ways. I see a lot of guy’s spreading info across numerous forums that is simply BS, I think most of it Starts out honestly, They are going off things that they have heard, Etc Over the years, and before long it becomes the “Gospel Truth” But it really isn’t, It’s been told for so many years that everyone just Rolls along with it

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Thompson Center Patriot age Empty Re: Thompson Center Patriot age

Post by bigjack101 08/02/22, 02:33 pm

There is alot of misinformation out there,particularly on reloading that I see. Common sense and fact checking with a good couple of manuals rule the day. I am fortunate to.belong to a club where some of the members have been shooting black powder since the70s. They definitely shortened my learning curve with this side of the hobby.I have been shooting cartridge guns for 40 years,never shot black powder until 4 years ago. Now I own at least a dozen of them. Absolutely hooked.


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Thompson Center Patriot age Empty Re: Thompson Center Patriot age

Post by Admin 08/02/22, 04:26 pm

bigjack101 wrote:There is alot of misinformation out there,particularly on reloading that I see. Common sense and fact checking with a good couple of manuals rule the day. I am fortunate to.belong to a club where some of the members have been shooting black powder since the70s. They definitely shortened my learning curve with this side of the hobby.I have been shooting cartridge guns for 40 years,never shot black powder until 4 years ago. Now I own at least a dozen of them. Absolutely hooked.

These Blackpowder Guns are addicting! Very Happy I started out with a TC New Englander that was gifted to me from my Dad, Today i own a Safe Full of Muzzleloaders, I stil love my Centerfire Rifles & Pistols but i rarely ever shoot them anymore, Blackpowder is my “Go To” for fun Thompson Center Patriot age 3355125947

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Thompson Center Patriot age Empty Re: Thompson Center Patriot age

Post by bigjack101 08/02/22, 04:51 pm

The first time I shot a muzzleloader, I was online that night hunting for one. First one was a TC Greyhawk in 50. Then I went more traditional. Absolutely love Hawkens and mountain rifles. My last rifle purchased a few months ago is a Pedersoli Tryon. Very nice rifle. I have many TCs, a few Austin Hallecks and a custom Hawken. Several pistols too. Too much fun. I'm always looking for the next one.


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Thompson Center Patriot age Empty Re: Thompson Center Patriot age

Post by Admin 08/02/22, 08:39 pm

bigjack101 wrote:The first time I shot a muzzleloader, I was online that night hunting for one. First one was a TC Greyhawk in 50. Then I went more traditional. Absolutely love Hawkens and mountain rifles. My last rifle purchased a few months ago is a Pedersoli Tryon. Very nice rifle. I have many TCs, a few Austin Hallecks and a custom Hawken. Several pistols too. Too much fun. I'm always looking for the next one.

Those Pedersoli Tryon’s REALLY Interest me, I would love to have one of their Fast Twist .45 Cal Tryon’s (1:21 Twist)

They make 4 different Tryon’s, 2 of them are 1:48 Twist (Both are called “Target” Rifles) The other 2 are the Fast 1:21 Twist (The “Creedmoor”, and “Match” Rifles)

Here is the “Creedmoor” Rifle 1:21 Twist, .45 Cal
Thompson Center Patriot age QiOBQDS

And this is the “Match” Rifle 1:21 Twist .45 Cal
Thompson Center Patriot age QXaCb1Q

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Thompson Center Patriot age Empty Re: Thompson Center Patriot age

Post by bigjack101 08/02/22, 09:53 pm

I have the target model. It's a great shooter. It was one of those I need some money, would you be interested in a black powder rifle" deals. I was glad to help him out. I sure would like a Creedmoor though.


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