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GRRW CA Hawken

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GRRW CA Hawken Empty GRRW CA Hawken

Post by MNPaul 06/02/22, 02:03 pm

GRRW CA Hawken B750fc10
GRRW CA Hawken 41b58c10
GRRW CA Hawken 84c23210

I have a GRRW CA .54 cal, fullstock, flintlock Hawken that I’m working with and thought I’d give a range report. This is a hunting gun for the Northern MN woods where I’m lucky to see 50 yds for a shot. Been doing some sight filing and tapping and pretty much have the sights where I want them. After working at the 25 and 50 yd ranges I brought it out to 100 yds to see what I could do with it. I fully expected 8-10 inches of drop at 100 yds but it didn’t happen. The first three shots at 100 yds I aimed at the top of the target and didn’t get any drop. The next 2 shots aimed at the top of the bull and still no drop. Windage off but no drop. The next 6 shots center of aim at the bull and 4 hits in the bull with 2 windage error shots that were me and not the gun. Started raining so I stopped at this point. I’ll keep working with it and see just how far I can bring this out with open sights, 1/2 buckhorn rear and silver blade front. Of course this was not off hand and was off the bench with forestock rest only. .530 PRB, .018 patch with mink oil, 85 gr 2f Goex OE for all shots.


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Join date : 2022-01-20
Location : Minnesota

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GRRW CA Hawken Empty Re: GRRW CA Hawken

Post by Kurt 07/02/22, 09:04 am

Looks good to me! Like you, when I tried my fifty, even with conicals, I was surprised with how flat it shot out to 100 yards.


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GRRW CA Hawken Empty Re: GRRW CA Hawken

Post by George_Kelley 07/02/22, 12:05 pm

You should be able to hit out to 200yds with some holdover. Smile

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GRRW CA Hawken Empty Re: GRRW CA Hawken

Post by Admin 07/02/22, 05:17 pm

Looks Good! GRRW CA Hawken 3355125947

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GRRW CA Hawken Empty Re: GRRW CA Hawken

Post by deerstalkert 07/02/22, 09:35 pm

what a gem you have. collectors are driving those through the roof. tried 2 times this year to buy one and got buried by deep pockets.
i am not surprised at the shooting at all.
congratulations on a marvelous gun.


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GRRW CA Hawken Empty Re: GRRW CA Hawken

Post by MNPaul 08/02/22, 03:19 am

This is not an original GRRW gun from the 1970’s. The CA (collectors association) is a group of the original gunsmiths from the original GRRW company that are back reproducing the guns. Doc White, the founder of GRRW from the 70’s is one of them. My gun was built by Carl Walker, one of the original gunsmiths from GRRW’s. I agree, if you can find an original GRRW gun from the 1970’s it’s tough to get. I believe that Buck Conner, who is on this forum, was a driving force getting the original gunsmiths together and he set me up with Carl Walker.


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Join date : 2022-01-20
Location : Minnesota

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GRRW CA Hawken Empty Re: GRRW CA Hawken

Post by Admin 08/02/22, 05:49 am

MNPaul wrote:deersralkert,
This is not an original GRRW gun from the 1970’s. The CA (collectors association) is a group of the original gunsmiths from the original GRRW company that are back reproducing the guns. Doc White, the founder of GRRW from the 70’s is one of them. My gun was built by Carl Walker, one of the original gunsmiths from GRRW’s. I agree, if you can find an original GRRW gun from the 1970’s it’s tough to get. I believe that Buck Conner, who is on this forum, was a driving force getting the original gunsmiths together and he set me up with Carl Walker.

Buck Conner is a Moderator here GRRW CA Hawken 3355125947 Buck is a Great Guy, He is wealth of knowledge in Muzzleloading History, He has been through, and seen a LOT! I thoroughly enjoy Buck’s Posts

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GRRW CA Hawken Empty Re: GRRW CA Hawken

Post by Buck 10/02/22, 11:30 am

deerstalkert wrote:MNPaul.
what a gem you have. collectors are driving those through the roof. tried 2 times this year to buy one and got buried by deep pockets.
i am not surprised at the shooting at all.   congratulations on a marvelous gun.

Thank you Paul, enjoyed your post and that your Hawken is working out the way you and Carl planned.

GRRW CA Hawken Grrw_c14

The cost of parts is what has driven the price of building a correct period gun, labor has stayed the same since we restarted this operation at GRRW Collectors Association in 2017 (name change from GRRW).  

Parts ("Quality" is the word to keep in mind, not junk knock-offs).  These parts have gone from an average of $800 - $900 to now $1,200 to $1,350 per gun. Labor is still at $1,000 to $1,200 depending on what the customer is wanting. Bottom line example is what you got in 2017 for say a GRRW.CA Leman Trade Rifle @ $1,800 has now jumped to $2,300 and up ....  Thanks to Biden giving out all our country's funds with his "why work ideas ..."

You want to talk muzzleloaders - GRRW.CA guns write me ...

Buck Conner
GRRW.CA Contact
GRRW CA Hawken Grrw_c12


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GRRW CA Hawken Empty Re: GRRW CA Hawken

Post by Buck 10/02/22, 11:51 am

Look at this page for some fun information about these rifle.

See: http://grrw.ca.tripod.com/pages/grrw.ca.models.built%202016.2017.htm
"Click" on the name of the person of interest.


GRRW CA Hawken Grrw_c15

GRRW CA Hawken Period12


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