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How much Schuetzen 2f or 3f to use?

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How much Schuetzen 2f or 3f to use? Empty How much Schuetzen 2f or 3f to use?

Post by AJHS 25/02/22, 05:16 pm

I saw a post of Idaho Lewis' elsewhere where he found that Schuetzen 2F was considerably less energetic than an equivalent amount of Swiss powder.  At the moment, I can get my hands on Schuetzen and not Swiss.  Anybody have any data on how much Schutzen to use to get a 385 grain bullet to about 1400 FPS?  Would it be better to use 2f or 3f In a .50 cal 24" barrel percussion rifle to get that velocity...I know that usually it is 2f for .50 cal, but the same way Idaho Lewis used 777 3f in the .50 cal for a specific reason, maybe 100 grains 3f of schuetzen would be more energetic than 100 grains of 2f but still within the pressure tolerances of the barrel.

Last edited by AJHS on 25/02/22, 05:40 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Clarity)


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How much Schuetzen 2f or 3f to use? Empty Re: How much Schuetzen 2f or 3f to use?

Post by Bronko22000 08/03/22, 07:54 am

In that short a barrel I'd personally go with the 3f. Start off with 80 gr. I never checked the velocity of my muzzys but I had one t/C Hawken that liked 100 gr of Goex 3f

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How much Schuetzen 2f or 3f to use? Empty Re: How much Schuetzen 2f or 3f to use?

Post by Buckskins&BlackPowder 08/03/22, 11:49 am

Shoot what gives you your best accuracy.

Buckskins & Black Powder

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How much Schuetzen 2f or 3f to use? Empty Re: How much Schuetzen 2f or 3f to use?

Post by Admin 08/03/22, 05:27 pm

AJHS wrote:I saw a post of Idaho Lewis' elsewhere where he found that Schuetzen 2F was considerably less energetic than an equivalent amount of Swiss powder.  At the moment, I can get my hands on Schuetzen and not Swiss.  Anybody have any data on how much Schutzen to use to get a 385 grain bullet to about 1400 FPS?  Would it be better to use 2f or 3f In a .50 cal 24" barrel percussion rifle to get that velocity...I know that usually it is 2f for .50 cal, but the same way Idaho Lewis used 777 3f in the .50 cal for a specific reason, maybe 100 grains 3f of schuetzen would be more energetic than 100 grains of 2f but still within the pressure tolerances of the barrel.  

Schuetzen is some really weak stuff, I doubt you will get a 385 Grain Bullet to 1400 Fps with it? My findings have been Anything much over 100 Grains of powder it doesn’t burn efficiently. If Schuetzen is what you are stuck with, i would try 100 Grains of 3F

If you can find some Triple Seven 3F you will get that 385 Grain Bullet to 1,400 Fps No problem! 70 By weight or 80 By Volume is a serious Load

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How much Schuetzen 2f or 3f to use? Empty Re: How much Schuetzen 2f or 3f to use?

Post by AJHS 10/03/22, 06:34 am

AJHS wrote:
Schuetzen is some really weak stuff, I doubt you will get a 385 Grain Bullet to 1400 Fps with it?

If you can find some Triple Seven 3F you will get that 385 Grain Bullet to 1,400 Fps No problem! 70 By weight or 80 By Volume is a serious Load

What caps do you use to ignite 777 3f consistently? I was using Winchester magnum caps with 777 2F and there was a delay... Does 3f ignite faster? Does it ignite with standard caps or has to be magnum?


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How much Schuetzen 2f or 3f to use? Empty Re: How much Schuetzen 2f or 3f to use?

Post by Buckskins&BlackPowder 10/03/22, 09:46 am

Swap the nipple to a knight redhot or the spitfire nipple. Either provide more volume from the cap to reliably set off subs.

Buckskins & Black Powder

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How much Schuetzen 2f or 3f to use? Empty Re: How much Schuetzen 2f or 3f to use?

Post by AJHS 10/03/22, 10:55 am

Buckskins&BlackPowder wrote:Swap the nipple to a knight redhot or the spitfire nipple. Either provide more volume from the cap to reliably set off subs.

Thanks. I cannot tell if the redhot fits a 6x1mm nipple, it is for a Traditions Deerhunter


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How much Schuetzen 2f or 3f to use? Empty Re: How much Schuetzen 2f or 3f to use?

Post by Buckskins&BlackPowder 10/03/22, 11:08 am

yes 6-1mm would be correct. BTW, I do not believe i'd try pushing a 385gr conical at 1400 through a deerhunter unless that stock is bedded.

Buckskins & Black Powder

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How much Schuetzen 2f or 3f to use? Empty Re: How much Schuetzen 2f or 3f to use?

Post by AJHS 15/03/22, 06:59 am

Buckskins&BlackPowder wrote:yes 6-1mm would be correct. BTW, I do not believe i'd try pushing a 385gr conical at 1400 through a deerhunter unless that stock is bedded.

Hogdon's load data says that 80 grains of 2f will push the Hornady Great Plains 385g at 1423, so I imagine that Swiss 2F would be similar...I've shot that out of my Deerhunter and it worked well. Why would the barrel needed to be bedded {and, ah, rookie question...what does bedded mean!?)


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How much Schuetzen 2f or 3f to use? Empty Re: How much Schuetzen 2f or 3f to use?

Post by Bronko22000 15/03/22, 11:58 am

Bedding is the process of adding a material to the barrel channel giving the barrel a consistent bed to set in which aids in accuracy. It also adds rigidity to the stock.

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How much Schuetzen 2f or 3f to use? Empty Re: How much Schuetzen 2f or 3f to use?

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