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Schuetzen Musket Caps?

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Schuetzen Musket Caps? Empty Schuetzen Musket Caps?

Post by EdMehlig 21/04/22, 02:24 pm

Has anybody ever used them? If so how good are they? Dixon's ML store in Hamburg PA has no idea as to when they will be getting in RWS caps. Right now they are selling only 1 container of 100 caps per customer for $13.50.

Posts : 134
Join date : 2021-11-26
Age : 74

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Schuetzen Musket Caps? Empty Re: Schuetzen Musket Caps?

Post by EdMehlig 22/04/22, 02:13 pm

Well, I just came back from Dixon's ML store in Kempton, PA which is near the Cabelas store in Hamburg PA.

I would up paying the $13.50 for one container of Schuetzen Musket Caps.  They would only give me one.  But on my return trip from Cabela's, I stopped by again and purchased a second container.  So I now have two hundred musket caps, which should get me through this year. I asked about when they were getting RWS caps and he said he had no idea.  I asked about purchasing a pound of Swiss powder but was told they were out of stock and weren't sure they would be getting more in.  I asked how much they were going for and he couldn't tell me as it depended on what he had to pay.  All he could say was the last lb he sold of it was for $40!  YIKES!!  Schuetzen Musket Caps? 1f62b

Anyway, being I was out that way, I decided to stop by Cabelas to see if they had any gun powder to reload with and any 777.  Well, they did not have one container of any smokeless powder on any of their shelves.  I went to the black powder aisle.  They only had 777-2F and Pyrodex P and Pryodex RS.  777 went for $40 and both containers of Pryodex went for $27!  

In speaking to both the salesmen at Cabellas and Dixon's, they both said along the same lines "You can blame Congress and Obama was right, he may not be able to control the Guns, but he can control the ammo".  SIGH

Posts : 134
Join date : 2021-11-26
Age : 74

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Schuetzen Musket Caps? Empty Re: Schuetzen Musket Caps?

Post by Bronko22000 23/04/22, 10:18 am

I believe its time to start writing letters to our congressmen to see what is going on.
I have a sneaky suspicion that there is either some underhanded dealing going on or ammo manufacturers are making ammo for the military and it is being stockpiled somewhere.

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Schuetzen Musket Caps? Empty Re: Schuetzen Musket Caps?

Post by EdMehlig 23/04/22, 12:09 pm

You may be right, but I see there is no shortage at Cabelas, Bass Pro with 5.56, 223, 9mm, 45ACP, and 380ammo. Aren't they the most popular ammo being used in crimes today??? Yet, the things we sportsmen need for target shooting and hunting can't be found anywhere.

At Cabelas, there was not one jug of smokeless powder or primers on the shelves. When I asked when they will be getting them in they laughed and said who knows ask Congress.

Posts : 134
Join date : 2021-11-26
Age : 74

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