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What is a good but affordable spotting scope?

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What is a good but affordable spotting scope?  Empty What is a good but affordable spotting scope?

Post by George_Kelley 30/11/21, 01:58 pm

It has been ten years since I last owned a spotting scope and I was not liking it because it was cheap. I seen prices vary from $200 to $3000, what is a decent spotting scope that won't break the budget?

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What is a good but affordable spotting scope?  Empty Re: What is a good but affordable spotting scope?

Post by tx_basser 30/11/21, 08:53 pm

I think it depends what you want to use it for. For regular range sessions and looking at holes in paper you can get buy with a cheaper scope. Now if your going to spend hours glassing for big game you are going to need something in the 1k range.

I will say I went with a guy hunting and he had a great Nikon spotting scope that he bought for like 1200 and it was crazy clear. That said I got dizzy sick looking thru it for long periods. I found my 12x50 binos on a monopod were better suited for me.


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What is a good but affordable spotting scope?  Empty Re: What is a good but affordable spotting scope?

Post by Admin 05/12/21, 10:30 pm

I have an Old Bushnell Spacemaster that has been a good Solid spotting scope, I bought it brand new, I have owned it for Many years (At least 15 years) I am guilty of not using it much

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What is a good but affordable spotting scope?  Empty Re: What is a good but affordable spotting scope?

Post by Hillbill 06/01/22, 04:32 pm

There are more spotting scopes on the market these days than ever before.
Today a 700.00 scope is what a 1000.00 scope was a few years ago.

pick one made in Japan if you can, most have pretty good glass, the more time you spend behind one the more you want to spend.

Bird watching sites rate spotters and they are a pretty picky bunch.
You can go to a bench rest match and most shooters will let you look through their spotters.

Do yourself a favor and spend above 500.00 on a scope, under that you are going to be dissatisfied.


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What is a good but affordable spotting scope?  Empty Re: What is a good but affordable spotting scope?

Post by George_Kelley 07/01/22, 06:52 pm

Thanks, that helps.

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What is a good but affordable spotting scope?  Empty Re: What is a good but affordable spotting scope?

Post by Bronko22000 16/03/22, 02:54 pm

I'd say it depends on what you're going to be using it for.  There is no need to spend hundreds of $$ on a spotting scope that you're just going to use on the range to verify bullet impact.  I have a Baraska for about 20 years and works well for me at the range out to 300 yards and even beyond. Its a 20-60x
However, if you plan on using it for glassing and evaluating game I would definitely spend the money.  Hours of looking through poor glass will not give you the clarity needed at extended ranges and hurt your eyes and give you a headache.

Last edited by Bronko22000 on 16/03/22, 03:00 pm; edited 1 time in total

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What is a good but affordable spotting scope?  Empty Re: What is a good but affordable spotting scope?

Post by Bronko22000 16/03/22, 02:58 pm

Idaholewis wrote:I have an Old Bushnell Spacemaster that has been a good Solid spotting scope, I bought it brand new, I have owned it for Many years (At least 15 years) I am guilty of not using it much

What in the world do you need a spotting scope for? You hit targets at distances where I couldn't even see the target! What is a good but affordable spotting scope?  1139610133

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What is a good but affordable spotting scope?  Empty Re: What is a good but affordable spotting scope?

Post by 30338 19/03/22, 10:18 am

People churn optics chasing the latest and greatest. Keep an eye out for quality used glass. Son bought an open box Kowa spotter and it has been excellent. I'd watch for a used one of those personally.


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