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See if anyone can beat this story!

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See if anyone can beat this story! Empty See if anyone can beat this story!

Post by Bronko22000 12/02/22, 05:20 pm

I was sitting here daydreaming about hunting which I tend to do quite often.  Then I remembered this episode.  It was about 15 years ago and I've been hunting with my long time friend for a while.  He knew just about every rock in the area (literally) as he lived there his entire life.  It was PA's late flintlock only season and he was going to do a push for me.  He gave me specific directions where to go and I followed them to a T.  He said "go up to the road and go down about 300 yards until you see some big rocks on the north side of the road and sit by them (an old strip mine road).  From the road there was a steep embankment about 15 'down.
The area he was going to push was cut over several years earlier and was as thick as it gets. But being winter the leaves were all off the trees/brush. After a bit I saw motion below me and picked out 2 deer going right to left.  I was crouched down hoping they would come up and cross the road where I could get a shot.  I heard them coming and they were CLOSE!  Rifle was at the ready when the lead doe came busting up the embankment and ran right into my muzzle almost knocking the rifle out of my hand.  Her yearling fawn was right on her heels.  By the time I got my composure back they were gone.
When my buddy came by he asked if I saw those 2 deer. I told him what happened I thought he was going to bust a gut laughing.
Sometimes the best memories come from just being there and enjoying the experience and not killing something.

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See if anyone can beat this story! Empty Re: See if anyone can beat this story!

Post by deerstalkert 12/02/22, 09:06 pm

got me beat i think but its close.
still hunting about 25 years ago. streaking along at about 300 yards an hour and walked up a bank of a little trickle. as i topped out i saw a group of does just lollygagging about 5-6 feet away behind a screen of viny maple. i inched into the brush while they stood oblivious.
I was after a nice buck i had seen so these girls were safe from molestation. almost.
when i was close enough i stuck the muzzle out and poked one of the does in the butt.
i thought i would be sore for a week laughing so hard. they didn't know if they should crap or go blind.

an hour later i stopped by a 36 inch Larch trunk to roll a smoke. (glad those days are done).
there was a road bed above me and i heard the rattle of stones on the bank just as i was lighting up. snuffed it quick and waited. that nice buck came down a trail into a small stand of fir about 10 feet high and 35 yards away. caught glimpses as he threaded through. poked him when he appeared in an opening. when the smoke cleared he was nowhere to be seen.
i set a speed record reloading. really wanted this buck.
just as i got the cap on i heard a noise and looked up to see him coming down the trail i was standing on. he had circled around and was maybe 6-7 feet away. i stepped back to the Larch and as he went past shot him in the back of the neck.
my first shot had heart/lunged him, but he didn't know he was dead.
shouldn't have shot him the second time, i ended up having to drag him 200 yards over blow downs, the same way he was headed!
Man I love the woods.


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See if anyone can beat this story! Empty Re: See if anyone can beat this story!

Post by Bronko22000 13/02/22, 06:20 am

That's a really good one too.  Thanks for sharing.  I had a similar experience like the first part of your story during a bear season many many years ago. It was a wet rainy day and I was still hunting.  I jumped a doe and she ran around a small patch of laurel.  I  eased up around the opposite side and she was standing there watching her back trail.  I whispered "looking for me". Got the exact same reaction you did! Great memories  for sure.

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See if anyone can beat this story! Empty Re: See if anyone can beat this story!

Post by EdMehlig 13/02/22, 08:29 am

See if anyone can beat this story! 1139610133

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See if anyone can beat this story! Empty Re: See if anyone can beat this story!

Post by Admin 13/02/22, 10:14 am

I had a nice little 4 Point Buck get within 5 Feet of me one time, I was deer hunting, looking for a BIG one When i spotted this Nice Little Basket Rack buck, I was at the Roots of a Large Ponderosa Pine Windfall, The buck was feeding on the Other side of the Windfall, he kept working his way closer, I suspected he was gonna end up really close to me, and sure enough Very Happy  He finally got to the Roots where i was sitting and He started feeding on a Huckleberry type Bush, I could literally see his Eyelashes!! All of a sudden he Spotted me, He turned INSIDE OUT!! Headed down the Mountain, Stopped in a Thick brushy area and Started to BLOW back up at me See if anyone can beat this story! 1139610133

Anyone that’s never heard a Deer BLOW? They can REALLY Get with it, They put a LOT of power in it! They let EVERYTHING In the Country know that something is bothering them Very Happy

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See if anyone can beat this story! Empty Re: See if anyone can beat this story!

Post by Bronko22000 13/02/22, 12:57 pm

Lewis I had a lot blow at me. My very first deer hunt, 12 years old. My uncle dropped me off at a spot in the dark, told me the deer would be coming up the mountain and to keep an eye out (buck only). It was pouring down rain and I had on one of those original Woolrich outfits. Most of you old timers can relate. I had a Win 94 leaning against a tree. After about an hour my wool coat felt like it weighed 30 pounds and I only weighed maybe 90! Staring down the mountain side a doe snuck up behind me maybe 20' away, saw me and let out a really loud snort. Being inexperienced and never hearing that before it scared the crap out of me! I spun around and her eyes got really big and she wheeled around and took off. It took a couple mins for my heart to slow down but she really warmed me up!

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See if anyone can beat this story! Empty Re: See if anyone can beat this story!

Post by Bronko22000 13/02/22, 01:02 pm

So many more stories to relate. During archery season I would always hold out for an 8pt or better (eastern count). One morning I was hunting on the ground. Back then I couldn't afford a tree stand and not even sure if they made them. I watched a small spike buck coming toward me. Getting closer and closer. He got within about 10 ft and I thought I'd have some fun with him. He looked in my direction and I quickly raised my arm and waved at him. He turned to run and ran right into about a 3" sapling, slipped and fell. Kicking his legs scrambling to his feet he threw mud and leaves all over me from head to toe! I guess he got the last laugh.

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See if anyone can beat this story! Empty Re: See if anyone can beat this story!

Post by deerstalkert 13/02/22, 07:00 pm

Deer hunting with my daughter about 20 years ago. set her up in a good spot where she could watch 4-5 apple trees that were just loaded .
i went about 50 yards away and hunkered down watching another small orchard in a meadow.
she on one side of an old log house from the 1920's and i was on the opposite side, out of sight of each other.
we were sitting there about 45 minutes when a small black bear snuck out of the timber and sashayed up to one of the apple trees i was watching. little bugger was small enough i kept an eye out for his momma but he was alone.
he tried to climb one of the trees and just couldn't quite reach the bottom limb. finally he caught one paw on the branch and tried pulling himself up, back feet peddling like Lance Armstrong on steroids.
between him grunting, snarling and squalling in frustration, my daughter came over to see if i had stroked out or something. she asked why i was making so many weird noises, didn't i want to get a deer?
i just pointed to pooh, now sitting on a branch in the top of the tree, eating a golden delicious apple.
we watched him finish that one and dive back into the tree to reappear with another apple.
he repeated this so many times i started feeling queasy. more than 2 apples land me in the outhouse.
finally pooh climbed out of the tree by hanging from the bottom limb, again his back feet peddling as he stretched to reach the ground.
he had knocked down a few apples and started rooting them out of the meadow grass within about 50 feet of us. and we were in plain sight if he had looked.
I figured as he didn't seem to have a grownup to teach him the dangers out and about, i got down and snaked through the grass to within 10 feet of him, then stood up and roared.
he took off so fast it seemed he left his hair behind. running full tilt and looking over his shoulder the ran smack into a fir, bounced off and squalling like a walmart kid took off for Priest Lake. at least that direction. we could hear him for several minutes squalling.
we sat and laughed until we cried. didn't get a deer, that day.


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See if anyone can beat this story! Empty Re: See if anyone can beat this story!

Post by Bronko22000 13/02/22, 07:13 pm

Good one stalker. I wasn't there at the time your story reminded me of one I heard. We used to have a producing apple tree in front of our cabin. My uncle loved his Buicks and had a beautiful white one and had it parked under the apple tree. During the night a bear climbed the tree and feasted on apples which apparently had the same effect on him as on you. Needless to say his pretty white Buick had many splotches of dark brown on it.

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See if anyone can beat this story! Empty Re: See if anyone can beat this story!

Post by Admin 13/02/22, 09:12 pm

Bronko22000 wrote:Lewis I had a lot blow at me.  My very first deer hunt, 12 years old.  My uncle dropped me off at a spot in the dark, told me the deer would be coming up the mountain and to keep an eye out (buck only). It was pouring down rain and I had on one of those original Woolrich outfits. Most of you old timers can relate.  I had a Win 94 leaning against a tree. After about an hour my wool coat felt like it weighed 30 pounds and I only weighed maybe 90! Staring down the mountain side a doe snuck up behind me maybe 20' away, saw me and let out a really loud snort.  Being inexperienced and never hearing that before it scared the crap out of me! I spun around and her eyes got really big and she wheeled around and took off. It took a couple mins for my heart to slow down but she really warmed me up!

The Good Ole Win Model 94, I have LOTS of good memories with one of them, I cut myTeeth Deer Hunting with a Winchester Model 94 30-30 (Pre 64) They are an AWESOME Little Rifle! I ended up moving on to Bolt Action Rifles in my later Teens, But i can say for a Fact that the Little Win Model 94 .30-30 Never let me down, I killed everything i intended to with it See if anyone can beat this story! 3355125947

Here is a Picture of me with a little Spike Blacktail Buck i killed with the Old Win 94 .30-30, I was probably 13-14 Years old here Very Happy (1985-1986) about 37 Years ago
See if anyone can beat this story! 5hTScZZ

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See if anyone can beat this story! Empty Re: See if anyone can beat this story!

Post by Admin 13/02/22, 09:22 pm

deerstalkert wrote:Deer hunting with my daughter about 20 years ago. set her up in a good spot where she could watch 4-5 apple trees that were just loaded .
i went about 50 yards away and hunkered down watching another small orchard in a meadow.
she on one side of an old log house from the 1920's and i was on the opposite side, out of sight of each other.
we were sitting there about 45 minutes when a small black bear snuck out of the timber and sashayed up to one of the apple trees i was watching. little bugger was small enough i kept an eye out for his momma but he was alone.
he tried to climb one of the trees and just couldn't quite reach the bottom limb. finally he caught one paw on the branch and tried pulling himself up, back feet peddling like Lance Armstrong on steroids.
between him grunting, snarling and squalling in frustration, my daughter came over to see if i had stroked out or something. she asked why i was making so many weird noises, didn't i want to get a deer?
i just pointed to pooh, now sitting on a branch in the top of the tree, eating a golden delicious apple.
we watched him finish that one and dive back into the tree to reappear with another apple.
he repeated this so many times i started feeling queasy. more than 2 apples land me in the outhouse.
finally pooh climbed out of the tree by hanging from the bottom limb, again his back feet peddling as he stretched to reach the ground.  
he had knocked down a few apples and started rooting them out of the meadow grass within about 50 feet of us. and we were in plain sight if he had looked.
I figured as he didn't seem to have a grownup to teach him the dangers out and about, i got down and snaked through the grass to within 10 feet of him, then stood up and roared.
he took off so fast it seemed he left his hair behind. running full tilt and looking over his shoulder the ran smack into a fir, bounced off and squalling like a walmart kid took off for Priest Lake. at least that direction. we could hear him for several minutes squalling.
we sat and laughed until we cried. didn't get a deer, that day.

Little Bear are a LOT of fun to watch!!

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See if anyone can beat this story! Empty Re: See if anyone can beat this story!

Post by Admin 13/02/22, 09:23 pm

Bronko22000 wrote:Good one stalker.  I wasn't there at the time your story reminded me of one I heard. We used to have a producing apple tree in front of our cabin. My uncle loved his Buicks and had a beautiful white one and had it parked under the apple tree.  During the night a bear climbed the tree and feasted on apples which apparently had the same effect on him as on you. Needless to say his pretty white Buick had many splotches of dark brown on it.

See if anyone can beat this story! 1139610133

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Post by deerstalkert 13/02/22, 09:58 pm

in a lifetime of hunting and shooting deer, i have never shot a spike! just never had the opportunity and desire at the same time. Almost harpooned one when i was bow hunting still.
actually he was a sporked horn. one long 14" or so spike on one side and a tiny fork about 6 inches long on the other. was in the same apple orchard as the baby bear.
figured i'd wait for his daddy who never showed up and the spork was long gone. if i am able to hunt this fall i am going to target a spike.
i used to collect 94 wins. i had 60+ and finally sold them. all but 1. bought a 94 big bore 375 in 1980 for protection on a road trip to alaska. still and always will have that one.


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See if anyone can beat this story! Empty Re: See if anyone can beat this story!

Post by Bronko22000 13/02/22, 10:07 pm

Love my lever guns. I just picked up a 94 big bore last year in 375 win. Also have a 94 in 30-30 and another in 32 Spl. A Marlin Guide Gun and a 1895SBL both in 45-70

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See if anyone can beat this story! Empty Re: See if anyone can beat this story!

Post by deerstalkert 15/02/22, 10:05 pm

another whitetail doe tail/tale.
had a set of scentloc camos for a while i would use with a net and camo mask bow hunting.
snuck down a trail that went into an old orchard. the woods around my place are full of abandoned orchards.
anyway, i came to a burnt out stump about 4 feet high and 3 feet around. it had totally burned out on the east( down slope) side making a perfect little cubby in which to hunker. i settled in, and having slightly more clothes on than i needed warmed up pretty good.
sitting there warm and toasty i started to nod off. just as i started to snore(i will skin the first one that tells my wife i admitted to snoring) a little doe came into view from the orchard.
i snored, she blew!
that woke me up full and i stayed still as death, watching to see what she would do.
she was bound and determined that she was going up that trail, but wasn't sure what she had heard.
she slowly started to circle half way around the stump then would reverse and go the other way, back and forth reducing the distance each pass.
finally was 4-5 feet in front of the stump and stood there, head down sniffing and flapping her ears. couple times she started and pranced away flagging, but always turned around and crept back. eventually she ended up with her hooves on each side of my feet and stretched her head out like she was going to kiss me. i thought she could hear my heart pounding it was so cool. i could see her eyelashes as i took a breath and said" hey baby"
she blew up into Ralph Macchio playing karate kid. every leg going in a different direction and her head and but colliding.
she bolted down the trail about 60 feet, stopped, turned around and started the half circling again! this time non stop blowing.
my heart not going to stand me holding my breath like last time i stood up. I listened to her blowing for 500 yards down the trail.


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See if anyone can beat this story! Empty Re: See if anyone can beat this story!

Post by Bronko22000 16/02/22, 08:01 am

That is really great stalker. Loved it. I think you beat me with that one.

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See if anyone can beat this story! Empty Re: See if anyone can beat this story!

Post by deerstalkert 16/02/22, 10:23 am

not trying to beat anyone, just relaying why living an outdoor life is as close to heaven as one can get here on earth.
the vast majority of humanity will never even see a whitetail let alone as close as we hunters do.
then, there was this other little black bear................ See if anyone can beat this story! 1f600

besides working on rifle builds, what does a old man have to do besides tell stories? can't chase redheads any more.....


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See if anyone can beat this story! Empty Re: See if anyone can beat this story!

Post by Bronko22000 16/02/22, 11:35 am

I couldn't agree more.  And as far as redheads go, just like a fine double rifle I'll likely never own, same goes for them.  But I'm still not too old to continue to admire them!

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See if anyone can beat this story! Empty Re: See if anyone can beat this story!

Post by deerstalkert 16/02/22, 11:34 pm

i continue to admire them too. right up to the point of my blonde wife's elbow in my ribs!


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See if anyone can beat this story! Empty Re: See if anyone can beat this story!

Post by Admin 17/02/22, 12:52 am

deerstalkert wrote:i continue to admire them too. right up to the point of my blonde wife's elbow in my ribs!

See if anyone can beat this story! 1139610133

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See if anyone can beat this story! Empty Re: See if anyone can beat this story!

Post by deerstalkert 17/02/22, 10:01 am

speaking of Redheads.
i had the pleasure of being with my daughter when she took her first deer.
we were strolling slowly along a grown over road bed about 25 years ago that curved around the apple orchard in the above epistle.
as we went, we caught sight of 4-5 does crossing the trail in front of us about 50 yards.
I looked at the girl and asked with my eyebrows if she wanted one of them, then asked with fingers for antlers and a shrug if she wanted to hold out for a buck.
she answered by dropping the middle doe with one shot from a win 54 .270 .
we field dressed it leaving the gut pile for the cleanup crew that was already gathering in the trees.
25 years ago i was still young and dumb so i tossed the doe over my shoulders with her help and packed the thing to the main road where i i heard my wife coming with the pickup. one shot she knew meant something down.
after the girl and wife took the deer home i returned to the orchard. i was surprised to find the gray jays, ravens, and magpies still there. From the racket coming out of the cab of my pickup occupied by a successful daughter and a proud mother i thought the cleanup crew had hitched a ride in the truck.
as the woods got quiet again i injuned my way past the gut pile and about stumbled on an older gent sitting on a stump, just watching the trails and smiling at our success.
i waved and skirted around the edge of the orchard to give him room.
i finally settled in a couple draws and finger ridges south of the watcher, slipped under a cedar with branches sweeping the ground.
i sat down to have a smoke, but before i got it rolled i saw the ears and domed top of a bear head bobbing up the trail from valley. forgot the smoke. better for my health anyway.

i watched as a small, maybe 140 pounds, long haired redhaired cutie strolled past on the trail. had she been twice the weight or so i would really have been tempted. She went about 20-25 feet past and climbed up on a old cut stump, sat down and started rubbing her tummy.
totally oblivious to me sitting within spitting range, she looked like a gal about to start sun bathing. i watched het antics until she farted. broke the spell so i stepped out of the cedar boughs and said Boo!
to this day i have no visual memory of her leaving! one second she was there and Poof! she was gone.
i was getting hungry so i decided make for home. as i went down the old road bed i passed the gent on the stump again. He waved me over and asked if i had seen the little bear. told him yep and he told me she had come off the mountain, walked right past him straight to the gut pile and without breaking stride, slurped it up like a plate of spaghetti, and went on around the orchard.
saw her many more times in the next few years. she got to be a spectacular bear. always birthed twins and they were always black with tan muzzles.
heard one year someone took her and she went 350lbs at the time. miss her.


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See if anyone can beat this story! Empty Re: See if anyone can beat this story!

Post by Guest 17/02/22, 10:38 am

The Haunted Deer:
We got it!

Last edited by mustang65 on 10/03/22, 12:28 pm; edited 1 time in total


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See if anyone can beat this story! Empty Re: See if anyone can beat this story!

Post by deerstalkert 17/02/22, 06:08 pm

never had a deer come back to life on me but have had fox and coyotes do it.
leave them in the skinning shed and suddenly hear a gawd awful noise. walk out and there is a pizzed off critter looking at you.


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See if anyone can beat this story! Empty Re: See if anyone can beat this story!

Post by Bronko22000 17/02/22, 09:34 pm

Did you have a tough time skinng them!!!!!

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Post by deerstalkert 17/02/22, 09:46 pm

that's what my old H&R 922 is good for. convinces them to stay dead.
hate shooting them in the shed though. ever smell fox pee? make a skunk blush.
may just be my smeller though.


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