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See if anyone can beat this story!

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See if anyone can beat this story! - Page 2 Empty Re: See if anyone can beat this story!

Post by EdMehlig 18/02/22, 05:04 am

Hearing Deerstalkert's comment on making a skunk blush reminded me of a story.  Not a hunting story but funny.  My sister-in-law moved to Saratoga NY.  So my wife and I and my In-Laws both drove up and spent the weekend there.
Being my father-in-law drove up in his brand new Volvo he asked if I could move my car out of the garage so he can park his new car in it as he didn't want to get the pine needles and pine sap on his new car.  (It was ok for my car though).  Grin.  Anyway, as we were walking in I noticed some animal was digging a hole near the garage.  I mentioned it and was told yea, some animal started digging it last night.  Oh ok.   Anyway, the next morning I heard a knock on my bedroom door and then footsteps running down the stairs.  A couple of minutes later I heard a loud BANG.  I jumped out of bed ran downstairs to see what happened.  Turned out my brother-in-law went into the garage and saw the garbage bag was torn apart.  Being the garage door was closed, he knew some animal was still in the garage.  So he ran and got his 22 Mag rifle.  He knocked on my door then ran downstairs ready for whatever was in there.  As he looked around, he noticed a small head appear from behind his snowblower. He raised his rifle and shot it in the head killing it instantly.  That's when we ALL found out what was making that hole outside!   WHEW, did it stink up the whole house!  So after he put the rifle away, moved the snowblower out of the way that garage smelled BAD, to say the least!!  And so did my Father-IN-Laws Brand new CAR!!   See if anyone can beat this story! - Page 2 1139610133    My poor In-Laws had to drive the four-hour ride back home with all of the windows opened.  See if anyone can beat this story! - Page 2 1139610133  I told my wife going home, I didn't mind the pine needles on the car so much.  LOL

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See if anyone can beat this story! - Page 2 Empty Re: See if anyone can beat this story!

Post by Bronko22000 18/02/22, 08:40 am

Bhahahaha.....Yea, I'd take the pine needles and sap any day!

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See if anyone can beat this story! - Page 2 Empty Re: See if anyone can beat this story!

Post by Johan Smit 19/02/22, 12:30 am

Easiest Muzzleloader springbok hunt ever (Antidorcas marsupialis)
Description Shoulder height 78 to 84 cm(30 to 33 inches)
Weight 36 to 50 Kg(79 to 110 lbs) Beautiful antelope, open areas, keen eyesight.
Flat Karoo area, me and my wife drove on this farm and I see a small herd about 500 meters away. Stopped and spied the area. They were grazing upwind on the west, near a corner of the fence. No shelter anywhere, only Karoo bushes less than 6 inches tall. Me and my 50 cal inline loaded with 370grain maxi. It is a straight pull type, I forgot what that type is called. On the south side there is a small pan, about 20 yards diameter, a totally bare patch, about 100 meters from the fence line.
She agreed to drive nearer then slowly walk up to them. I walk the 20 yards to the pan and lied down on the east side, still on the bare patch but on the edge. The rifle lies ready pointing to the north, I did not want to shoot in her direction.
As she came nearer to them, the springbok moved away from her, all along the fence towards me at an easy slow walking pace. I kept down, not even raising my head, and the springbok divided, some passing me on my back side, some on my front side. I select a nice ram, and as he passed I raise the rifle and fired. At the shot the buck scattered in all directions and ran. The one I shot only walked another three or four yards, then fell over dead. It was a perfect heart shot at about six or seven yards. I stayed down to give the other buck time to calm, and she came up to me and asked what happened. I got up, we were overjoyed, and I fetched the vehicle.
Lesson learned, lie down, keep still, and the buck will ignore you.

Johan Smit

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See if anyone can beat this story! - Page 2 Empty Re: See if anyone can beat this story!

Post by Johan Smit 19/02/22, 12:35 am

See if anyone can beat this story! - Page 2 Spring11

Johan Smit

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See if anyone can beat this story! - Page 2 Empty Re: See if anyone can beat this story!

Post by Bronko22000 19/02/22, 07:55 am

About 20 years ago I was doing some scouting prior to archery season on a farm I used to hunt. It was a nice late summer day but really windy.  As I was walking down a little 2 track through the woods that separated 2 fields I heard a branch break. I stopped and then assumed it was just the wind in the trees.  A few seconds later I heard it again in the same direction and stopped. Looking over I saw a huge black bear walking toward me. Those of you who have watched them in the woods know they are very quiet because of the heavy pads on their paws and I thought it odd that he was breaking those branches as he walked. The closer he got I realized the trail he was walking would have had him right in my lap so I backed up a few paces. He was totally oblivious of my presence likely because the wind was blowing everything around.  My only means of defense was a small Buck pocket knife!  When he got to the edge of the 2 track he was only about 15' from me. In a calm voice I said "I think you're close enough".  He jerked his head up and spun around so fast I thought he turned inside out and took off running! Most people over estimate a bears weight but I'm pretty good at it and I guessed him/her to be about 350 lbs maybe slightly more. It was probably fattening up on the farmer's corn.

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See if anyone can beat this story! - Page 2 Empty Re: See if anyone can beat this story!

Post by deerstalkert 19/02/22, 10:16 am

laying down works!
side hilling one time and saw a group of 4 whitetail does cross the main road about 200 yards below me. they were on the trail i was following so i hunkered down next to a big old windfall ponderosa that crossed the trail. I am not the brightest bulb in the chandelier but i figured they would come right to me and maybe i could count coup on one with my hand.
they must have been late for breakfast because they came at a run up that trail which zigged and zagged up the steep hill side. sure enough they stayed on my path and one at a time jumped over the tree trunk right over my head.
i was laying flat and hugging the bark so they wouldn't see or land on my tender younger body.
as they sailed over me i could see their bellies and little bags and teats.
i was bright enough to wait until the last one to try to touch her as she arched overhead.
as she cleared the log i reached up and let my hand trail her stomach. she never even flinched. all i can figure is she thought it was part of the log sliding down her belly.
these remembrances almost make me feel young again. certainly make me aware of why this is my home all these years.
one would get slapped doing such a thing in the city!


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See if anyone can beat this story! - Page 2 Empty Re: See if anyone can beat this story!

Post by Guest 19/02/22, 10:35 am

deerstalkert wrote:laying down works!
side hilling one time and saw a group of 4 whitetail does cross the main road about 200 yards below me. they were on the trail i was following so i hunkered down next to a big old windfall ponderosa that crossed the trail. I am not the brightest bulb in the chandelier but i figured they would come right to me and maybe i could count coup on one with my hand.
they must have been late for breakfast because they came at a run up that trail which zigged and zagged up the steep hill side. sure enough they stayed on my path and one at a time jumped over the tree trunk right over my head.
i was laying flat and hugging the bark so they wouldn't see or land on my tender younger body.
as they sailed over me i could see their bellies and little bags and teats.
i was bright enough to wait until the last one to try to touch her as she arched overhead.
as she cleared the log i reached up and let my hand trail her stomach. she never even flinched. all i can figure is she thought it was part of the log sliding down her belly.
these remembrances almost make me feel young again. certainly make me aware of why this is my home all these years.
one would get slapped doing such a thing in the city!

When I was younger and working for a heavy equipment dealer in Dallas, Texas, a young mechanic there was telling us a story, about an episode on his families ranch in Colorado. Seems he had a little to much to drink, decided he would like to catch a fawn he was watching in the forest. He said he was completely still and concealed, so when the fawn walked by close enough, he grabbed it. He didn't figure it could do much damage because it was small. He told us that little fawn put up one helluva fight, with the sharp side of the hooves cutting the hell out of his legs. Said he couldn't let go of that fight fast enough.... See if anyone can beat this story! - Page 2 1139610133
BTW: need to mention that he wasn't hunting.


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See if anyone can beat this story! - Page 2 Empty Re: See if anyone can beat this story!

Post by Bronko22000 19/02/22, 03:07 pm

Deerstalker "I'm not the brightest light bulb in the chandelier" comment made me laugh out loud. Never heard that one before. But I do plan on using it now!

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See if anyone can beat this story! - Page 2 Empty Re: See if anyone can beat this story!

Post by deerstalkert 19/02/22, 03:39 pm

LOL !  that is what the wife calls me sometime. Not chandelier, but dim bulb! usually followed by "old fool"
usually when i come in from the shop looking for a bandaid. shakes her head and says, only a dim bulb wouldn't have them where they are needed most. hate it when she makes sense! See if anyone can beat this story! - Page 2 2641152013


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See if anyone can beat this story! - Page 2 Empty Re: See if anyone can beat this story!

Post by Bronko22000 19/02/22, 05:34 pm

I always carry a few in my wallet. It was even worse when I wason blood thinners and I'd get a tiny nick somewhere and it looked like I was going to bleed to death. I had to carry packets of blood clotting powder.

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See if anyone can beat this story! - Page 2 Empty Re: See if anyone can beat this story!

Post by deerstalkert 19/02/22, 06:47 pm

Bronko22000 wrote:I always carry a few in my wallet. It was even worse when I wason blood thinners and I'd get a tiny nick somewhere and it looked like I  was going to bleed to death. I had to carry packets of blood clotting powder.
After i got out of hospital for the kung fu flu they had me on blood thinners for clots in my lungs. for like 4 months. played hell with my flint knapping. both the Doctor and the war department emphatically said no!
i snuck out one day and knapped some flints. wife followed the blood trail like a hound. can't sneak anything past her.


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See if anyone can beat this story! - Page 2 Empty Worst kudu shot ever

Post by Johan Smit 17/03/22, 04:05 am

Worst Kudu shot ever!
This farmer told me that nobody had ever taken a kudu out of that dry river bed, he called it a forest because of the multitude of acacia thorn trees. Now a kudu is something else. Shoulder height about 5', weight 300 t0 500 lbs.The bulls are mostly known for their spiral horns. What makes them unique is:
A large bull can jump a 8' fence.
His eye is in the center of the spiral horns, so he can see to pull down branches for the cows and youngsters.
When you walk past a kudu, the kudu will move so as always to have a bush or tree between you. They do it so well, you will walk past them and never know they were there.
A kudu between trees is invisible, they will not move even an ear.
Now this challenge could not be passed, I had to try.
I did not trust the .50 cal muzzleloader for this task, so I took my .303 Epps P14 rifle. It was a heavy rifle, but accurate.
I started off early morning, it was still dark, but enough light from the stars to follow a path. The first mishap was this kudu path crossed a 4' fence, and I did not see the fence. So I folded double over this fence, and the Epps slid off my shoulder and stood upright, barrel in the sand. Fortunately I had a pull through , so I took the time to clean the barrel. When I was done it was getting light in the east, and I continued. About five minutes later, straight into the sun, sure there is something standing, but what? The farmer said do not shoot my Jersey bull. So knowing about the Jersey bull, one need to be careful, but I cannot be sure, it is straight into the sun. I was still looking when the kudu  decided this was enough, one jump, and it was gone. Jersey bulls don't jump. So on with the path, slowly, carefully not to make any noise of twigs breaking. This is unbelievably tiresome work, the rifle in your hands, looking ahead and to the sides and especially where to put the next foot. At about 10am, there was a fallen tree, just the right height to sit on the trunk. There were some new growth where it broke off, but not much, although quite high, about 6'. So I sat down, took off my rucksack, leaned the rifle against the tree trunk, and poured me a cup of coffee from the thermos flask. Drank my coffee when it was cold enough, and well thinking even if there is no kudu within a mile, I must go on. So I shouldered the rucksack and the rifle and stood up. That was when the nerves of the kudu could not take it any more. The cow gave one jump from about three yards from me behind the new growth and landed about five yards in front of me. As she landed, my shot went off, and I shot center between her hooves. It was one movement,  the rifle from the shoulder and into shooting. I missed a large kudu at five yards distance. This must be the worst shot at a kudu ever. I simply watched her galloping down the path, I wanted a bull anyway, but it took quite some time before I calmed down again.
The next mishap occurred about lunchtime. I was still in this still hunting mode, carefully, but with the rifle in my hands, as the bushes were just too much to shoulder the rifle. I walked up to a sleeping kudu, so quiet he could only have smelt me. I was within two yards of that kudu, and did not see the kudu. One bark, and the kudu jumped forward, straight into the trunk of a tree, down in the dust, up and away before I could recover from the fright. I had to sit down and get calm again.
Finally, about four pm I was still in still hunting mode, and saw an ever so slight movement. Slowly, slowly the rifle comes up and looking through the scope, yes that is the head of a young kudu bull at about 20 yards distance. Strange, I scan but see no other kudu, so I shot that one. At the shot about twenty kudu scattered in all directions, and I took me some time again to calm down. At least  have a kudu. I had to skin and quarter that kudu right there and carry the meat out piece by piece. Fortunately I had a small headlight and could mark the spot with another light, as it was very late before I could carry all the meat out.
A very tiresome and exciting hunting day!

Johan Smit

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See if anyone can beat this story! - Page 2 Empty Re: See if anyone can beat this story!

Post by Bronko22000 17/03/22, 09:40 am

Very good story deerstalker. I can just imagine the adreneline flowing when those kudu jumped at such close range. I also chuckled at the beginning of the story when you tipped over that low fence in the dark!

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See if anyone can beat this story! - Page 2 Empty Re: See if anyone can beat this story!

Post by deerstalkert 17/03/22, 10:15 am

from your lips to God's ear Bronko22000!
my bucket list has a kudu on it. I fear i will see Heaven before i see Africa.
Great story Johan! sounds like my typical elk hunt. substitute mud for sand though.


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See if anyone can beat this story! - Page 2 Empty Re: See if anyone can beat this story!

Post by Bronko22000 17/03/22, 10:44 am

deerstalkert wrote:from your lips to God's ear Bronko22000!
my bucket list has a kudu on it. I fear i will see Heaven before i see Africa.
Great story Johan! sounds like my typical elk hunt. substitute mud for sand though.

OOPS - my bad. Sorry Johan. That really was a good story. And yes Deerstalker, I'm in the same boat as you. Always dreamed of Africa but it was not to be. At least not unless I win the lottery. I always imagined myself carrying a beautiful double rifle.
Having those kudu jump up in front of Johan reminded me of a time many many years ago when I was going archery hunting and walking in in the dark down an old grassy road guided my the moon light I had a ruffed grouse bust out from between my legs, its wing tips hitting both of them. I stood there in a cold sweat for a couple mins! Yeah it was only a grouse but when it is deafly silent and your ears are tuned into any sound THAT is loud. What in the world it was doing on the road in the dark is beyond me.

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See if anyone can beat this story! - Page 2 Empty Re: See if anyone can beat this story!

Post by deerstalkert 17/03/22, 06:36 pm

they don't call them fool hens for nothing! have had the crazy things charge the truck like a mad dog!
in the dark it would have caused me to do something embarrassing in my pants!


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See if anyone can beat this story! - Page 2 Empty Re: See if anyone can beat this story!

Post by Bronko22000 18/03/22, 11:19 am

Not Mr Ruff Deerstalker. I believe you're thinking of spruce grouse. I remember a hunt in MT where I killed a couple with a stick for supper.

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See if anyone can beat this story! - Page 2 Empty Re: See if anyone can beat this story!

Post by Johan Smit 24/03/22, 03:20 am

Double muzzleloader
A local dealer obtained a few 50 cal double muzzleloaders, really beautiful rifles, I think it was Pedersolli. The price was a bit high for me, but a friend bought one. Then he asked me if I could arrange a springbuck hunt. No problem, I got permission from a farmer.
Off we went, and I put him down near a corner of a field, where there are a few eucalyptus trees. I then drove further and found a beautiful springbok ram. He appeared to be in his prime, the points of his horns turned inwards towards each other. In young springbok rams the points of the horns bend forwards to inflict maximum pain in a fight. As he gets older, the horns turn towards each other, and he starts losing fights with younger rams. Eventually he prefers the solitary life, but of course by that time he has distributed his dna in the herd, and it is the turn of the younger rams. His horns eventually turn backwards as he gets older, and a few older rams may form a small herd. A solitary springbuck is definitely a ram. The horns of the ewes are thin and smaller, decorative only. Ewes are never solitary. This one was a prime ram, big and sleek.
So I drove around him and nuzzled him westwards. When he walked I stopped. When he stopped I drove slowly nearer and we slowly went nearer that corner. When he got closer to the corner, he went to a slow trot, and passed Friend at that slow trot. I was stopped and watching through the binoculars. A big cloud of smoke, the ram still trotting, and about two seconds later another big cloud of smoke. The buck stopped and looked at this smoke. Friend was throwing powder into a barrel and reached for the maxis. Then I saw him look down at the rifle and freeze. Another five seconds or so, and the buck trotted off. I drove up to him and asked what happened. He said he does not know how he missed the two shots, but when he had the bullet in his hand, he had forgotten in which barrel he had thrown the powder.
With a muzzleloader one has to keep your wits about you and be careful, but it appears with a double muzzleloader all the care necessary is squared.

Johan Smit

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See if anyone can beat this story! - Page 2 Empty Re: See if anyone can beat this story!

Post by Bronko22000 24/03/22, 09:54 am

Johan that's funny. I can see that happening with the loading during the chaos.
I love double barreled shotguns (side by side not over under). When I was 12 years old and started hunting my uncle loaned me a 12 ga double for small game. Now at 12 I weighed in at about 90 pounds. One day i was walking down a hedgerow along the edge of a field and the dog jumped a rabbit. It was running straight toward me. I shouldered the gun and at the 1st shot my finger slipped off the front trigger and hit the back trigger (I'm a lefty). The recoil sent me flying backwards on my butt but the rabbit had a worse fate. I had apparently hit him with both shots and there wasnt much left of him!

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See if anyone can beat this story! - Page 2 Empty Re: See if anyone can beat this story!

Post by deerstalkert 29/03/22, 10:09 am

Bronko22000 wrote:Not Mr Ruff Deerstalker.  I believe you're thinking of spruce grouse. I remember a hunt in MT where I killed a couple with a stick for supper.
i have all three grouse here and eat them all .
i certainly know the difference.


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See if anyone can beat this story! - Page 2 Empty Re: See if anyone can beat this story!

Post by deerstalkert 29/03/22, 11:30 am

i apologize if the above response seems a bit terse. i just came over from another forum where someone corrects me no matter what i post. sky is blue? well not really! it is blah blah blah!
i am beginning to think i need to take a hiatus from the innerweb! and just build my guns and shoot them!


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See if anyone can beat this story! - Page 2 Empty Re: See if anyone can beat this story!

Post by Bronko22000 29/03/22, 12:15 pm

Nah, stick around, at least here. I wish I had sharptails and spruce here. They're a bit easier to shoot.  but that old Mr. Ruff - he makes a fool out of me more often than not.
The favorite trick he pulls on me I call the "rock shot".  That is when you walk up to a likely looking cover and you stand there for about 30 seconds. (Then tend to get nervous and flush for you) After the requisite amount of time you bend over and pick up a nice size stone or stick and raise your arm to throw it into the cover and bbbbbbbbrrrrr - off he roars leaving you standing there with a shotgun in one hand and a rock/stick in the other!

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See if anyone can beat this story! - Page 2 Empty Re: See if anyone can beat this story!

Post by deerstalkert 29/03/22, 10:30 pm

we have ruffed, spruce and Blues, or as the fin and feather guy's say we have to call the Blues "Dusky's"
ain't nothing better eating than a grouse of any name. may well have been the first real food i ate. my mother snared them and smoked them over birch. making my mouth water thinking about it.


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See if anyone can beat this story! - Page 2 Empty Re: See if anyone can beat this story!

Post by Johan Smit 29/04/22, 04:41 am

Some time ago, I read what some learned chap wrote about a massive fossil, named Diplodocus or something like that.
He reckoned this large animal must have been very slow, because of the time it would take for a message from the brain to the tail.
I don't buy it.
I recollect Elmer Keith writing that he was once walking down a trail almost asleep and he trod on a rattlesnake. He fired three shots going up and two coming down. No message, reaction only.
I had a similar experience. I had to attend to an installation in a prefab building, also containing a single cylinder air cooled diesel engine. On arrival, the batteries were low on charge, so I started the engine. It was getting dark, and we were going to sleep there, it was too far to go back home. I was accompanied by a laborer called Piet Harmse. This was in the Karoo, a semi-desert area, summer, and it was hot. The area had lots of guarii trees, Euclea Undulata. I believe the name was later changed. These trees, or bushes, are very slow growers, with exceedingly dense wood and very tough branches. The dry wood burns very slowly, and with the most colorful small flames. When these trees grow near each other, you do not walk through between them, any branch stops you. I was sitting on the outside of the door, reading a book in the light from inside, and Piet Harmse was sitting a few yards away with a small fire and gazing into the flames. One does not need cold to gaze into a fire. Because it was so hot, I was sitting bare-chested and bare-foot peacefully reading. Then I felt something against my ankle, and I looked down. The biggest scorpion I had ever seen had his claws on the outside of my ankles, and the sting was hovering between my legs. I took off, straight up, and as I was going up, I looked down on the tops of the trees and saw Piet Harmse running away through the guarries, breaking branches all the way.
No message passing, simply reaction. Have a look at a shotgun competition. When the clay is missed, second shot follows in a small part of a second.
Imagine sitting down with a book. Your feet are in front of you. Take off vertically? So high? No, not possible. I felt sorry for Piet Harmse, he was full of cuts and scratches. I believe one does not send a message to your trigger finger, it has it's own computer. Diplodocus may have been slow because of the energy it would need to accelerate that mass, but I think his tail was a deadly weapon.

Johan Smit

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See if anyone can beat this story! - Page 2 Empty Re: See if anyone can beat this story!

Post by deerstalkert 29/04/22, 08:55 am

i was raised where rattlesnakes were more plentiful than grass. i hate the buggers. Elmer was slow. i would have fired 6 rounds going up , reloaded, and 6 more coming down!
then beat the thing into pudding with one of those tree trunks i wrested out of the ground!!! See if anyone can beat this story! - Page 2 1986740415
I stepped on one once and it got its fangs stuck in my pant legs (carhart canvas).
there was a lumber pile 12 feet away. i had a 2x4 in my hands before any thought ever processed. still have his hide upstairs. 45 years later. still can smell that bugger.


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