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Any love for the .58 Zoauve?

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Any love for the .58 Zoauve?  Empty Any love for the .58 Zoauve?

Post by Maxjon 12/04/22, 12:06 am

I have bought a .58 Zoauve repro, made by Miroku. Its a thing of beauty,  can't wait to shoot it!! Anyone got one?


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Any love for the .58 Zoauve?  Empty Re: Any love for the .58 Zoauve?

Post by Maxjon 13/04/22, 04:59 am

Can't believe there's no love for the Zoauve.....


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Any love for the .58 Zoauve?  Empty Re: Any love for the .58 Zoauve?

Post by Gunpa 13/04/22, 10:16 am

I don't own one but I think they look great! Does that help?


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Any love for the .58 Zoauve?  Empty Zoauve

Post by Maxjon 07/05/22, 04:24 am

I have bought a Miroku Reproduction, I think they are the best Zoauve Reproduction made....time will tell!


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Any love for the .58 Zoauve?  Empty Re: Any love for the .58 Zoauve?

Post by Ironhead 09/05/22, 04:55 pm

My first muzzleloader was a Zouave Cavalry carbine. Don't remember the maker? I bought it back in 1974. It was a very accurate rifle as I recall.

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Any love for the .58 Zoauve?  Empty Re: Any love for the .58 Zoauve?

Post by EdMehlig 09/05/22, 05:17 pm

I had one back in the early 70's. It was a fun gun to shoot and somehow I managed not to blow myself up as I didn't know anything about loads and I even fired two bullets together with it a couple of times as the people who Iwas shooting with said I could?? Embarassed
I wound up selling it as I didn't know better. Probably saved my life!! Any love for the .58 Zoauve?  1986740415

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Any love for the .58 Zoauve?  Empty Minie bullet weight...

Post by Maxjon 10/05/22, 03:16 am

Anyone know, or recommend a Minie mold for the Zouave? I have the Lee #90478 so far to try, as it came with the rifle...


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Age : 53
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Any love for the .58 Zoauve?  Empty Re: Any love for the .58 Zoauve?

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