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Building A Rifle Out Of Parts...

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Building A Rifle Out Of Parts... Empty Building A Rifle Out Of Parts...

Post by Buck 25/11/21, 04:32 pm

I'm Wondering If it's Reasonable To Built A Muzzle Loader Out Of Parts.

After watching what Lewis is doing with a basic with a stock TC rifle (modified), can you build one out of parts found on the Internet?

This is what was found on eBay = T/C Renegade stock -$125.00, T/C Renegade complete lock -$100.00, T/C Renegade trigger assembly -$ 50.00, T/C Renegade hooked breech plug  -$ 30.00 then there's screws, misc. little items, etc. well over another $ 50.00. Now over -$350.00 without a barrel and long range sights that would be this amount again.

You would be looking at $750 to $800 for just the parts alone, plus need to assemble or pay someone to do it for you. Still cheaper than a custom rifle in the $2,200 - $2,400 range. No cheap way out.


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Building A Rifle Out Of Parts... Empty Re: Building A Rifle Out Of Parts...

Post by Buck 26/11/21, 12:08 pm

I have a new GRRW Collectors Association H.E. Leman Trade Rifle that Jonathan just did some work on (coning the barrel, glass bedding and finish work). It's a .50 caliber with the Green River Rifle Works (jug choked) barrel. I will talk to Lewis for his thought's on possibly using this for the conical bullets that he's shooting.

This rifle has a count of 7 grooves and 7 lands with 1:60 twist. Have no idea how accurate or what distance one could shoot for a group with this rifle?

Building A Rifle Out Of Parts... H_e_le10

The thought of putting together a parts gun hasn't been dropped, the ideas is sitting on the shelf - giving this some more thought .... :11:


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Building A Rifle Out Of Parts... Empty Re: Building A Rifle Out Of Parts...

Post by sdporter 26/11/21, 08:06 pm

Nice looking rifle!


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Building A Rifle Out Of Parts... Empty Re: Building A Rifle Out Of Parts...

Post by Admin 28/11/21, 01:09 am

That is a REALLY nice Looking Rifle Buck! With it’s 1:60 Twist it is definitely geared toward Patched Roundball. I shoot 200 Yards no problem with my .50 Cal Green Mountain 1:70 Twist Barrel, I plan to stretch it out to 300 soon and see how it does there? The key to my Success is Peep Sights, If it weren’t for my Tang Mounted Peep sights I would never be able to shoot the Distances i do

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Building A Rifle Out Of Parts... Empty Re: Building A Rifle Out Of Parts...

Post by deerstalkert 29/11/21, 09:21 pm

for several years i built TC's and Investarms Hawkens, buying parts off Ebay. no more.
for what i could build one, they are wanting the same amount now for a stripped stock.
most are asking more for a TC lock then you can spend on a L&R.
i had fun while it lasted but alas those days are gone.
that said, i just finished a SMR by buying pieces and parts.
found the stock and barrel leaning up in a corner of a buddy's garage. his dad bought them at Friendship in the early eighties.
my friend gave them to me. .32 cal Douglas barrel and a nice curly maple chunk of wood.
my first attempt at inletting etc. i figure i have 300.00 in the gun at this point.Building A Rifle Out Of Parts... 20211111


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Building A Rifle Out Of Parts... Empty Re: Building A Rifle Out Of Parts...

Post by Buck 10/12/21, 09:17 am

Buck wrote:
Building A Rifle Out Of Parts... H_e_le10


I talked to Lewis for an hour last night, had a good conversation about our experiences with these guns and black powder in general.

Thanks for your time Lewis.


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Building A Rifle Out Of Parts... Empty Re: Building A Rifle Out Of Parts...

Post by Admin 10/12/21, 11:22 am

I thoroughly enjoyed visiting with you Buck! I hope to get to meet you someday, You and Doc White Both. You are a wealth of Knowledge Buck, I am very fortunate to have you here

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Building A Rifle Out Of Parts... Empty Re: Building A Rifle Out Of Parts...

Post by Admin 10/12/21, 11:25 am

deerstalkert wrote:for several years i built TC's and Investarms Hawkens, buying parts off Ebay. no more.
for what i could build one, they are wanting the same amount now for a stripped stock.
most are asking more for a TC lock then you can spend on a L&R.
i had fun while it lasted but alas those days are gone.
that said, i just finished a SMR by buying pieces and parts.
found the stock and barrel leaning up in a corner of a buddy's garage. his dad bought them at Friendship in the early eighties.
my friend gave them to me. .32 cal Douglas barrel and a nice curly maple chunk of wood.
my first attempt at inletting etc. i figure i have 300.00 in the gun at this point.

That is a really nice looking rifle you have there deerstalkert Building A Rifle Out Of Parts... 3355125947

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Building A Rifle Out Of Parts... Empty Re: Building A Rifle Out Of Parts...

Post by deerstalkert 10/12/21, 12:30 pm

still fine tuning it.
I put a Davis trigger group in it and just today got it to work right. i hope.
got round balls for it yesterday in the mail and from a rest hit the 50 yard gong!
i haven't decided on the rear sight so i made one from a scrap of brass i had.Building A Rifle Out Of Parts... 20211218


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Building A Rifle Out Of Parts... Empty Re: Building A Rifle Out Of Parts...

Post by Patch 15/12/21, 07:43 am


I have 2 GRRW “choke rifled” barreled guns that I made from “kits”…(GRRW’s idea of a kit back then was a breeched barrel, a bag of parts and a somewhat gunstock shaped misgraded log with a barrel channel that may or may not have the ramrod hole drilled.)

Both GRRW barrels were exceptionally accurate and loaded easy when fouled due to the slightly  increasing bore diameter as your ball moved down to the breech when loading.

After 45yrs of black powder experience, I’ll take a Getz or Rice, round bottom rifled barrel over “gimmickie” barrels with cones and chokes and muzzle recesses etc…

40 years ago I discovered the “ over powder” felt wad…this allows for a larger ball (.535) thinner patch (gotta go down the barrel in a reasonable manner) which has always shot better for me than the smaller ball (.530) thicker patch.

The over powder wad is the way to go if accuracy is your goal.


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Building A Rifle Out Of Parts... Empty Re: Building A Rifle Out Of Parts...

Post by Buck 22/12/21, 09:11 am


I was one of three GRRW dealers north of Denver to the Wyoming line back in the day. As time went on and GRRW closed their doors we were still dealing GRRW products, guns, belt buckles, hats anything with the GRRW stampings. I've driven hundreds of miles to purchase GRRW rifles at sales and enjoyed meeting and hearing the stories of how the owner got the firearm.

Yes, I agree with what you said "the over powder” felt wad…this allows for a larger ball (.535) thinner patch (goes down the barrel in a reasonable manner) which has always shot better for me than the smaller ball (.530) thicker patch."

Thank you for your reply.

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Building A Rifle Out Of Parts... Empty Re: Building A Rifle Out Of Parts...

Post by deerstalkert 30/01/22, 11:45 pm

all but one of these were assembled from online parts purchases.
from the bottom
.54 Invest arms carbine and have a matching .50 cal barrel
.54 Ardesa mountain rifle. thing is a gem! some might call it a Gemmer Hawken
.50 cva a restored mountain rifle. have had it for 40 years. has led a hard life!
.50 TC hawken
.54 TC Hawken flinter
.54 cabelas custom shop stainless. came in a tupperware stock. i like wood so dropped it into an Invest arms stock. thats why i have two barrels for the Investarms carbine! Building A Rifle Out Of Parts... 1986740415
i don't have more than 300.00 in any one of these. lot's of cheap fun!
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Building A Rifle Out Of Parts... Empty Re: Building A Rifle Out Of Parts...

Post by Guest 31/01/22, 09:37 am

Buck wrote:I'm Wondering If it's Reasonable To Built A Muzzle Loader Out Of Parts.

After watching what Lewis is doing with a basic with a stock TC rifle (modified), can you build one out of parts found on the Internet?

This is what was found on eBay = T/C Renegade stock -$125.00, T/C Renegade complete lock -$100.00, T/C Renegade trigger assembly -$ 50.00, T/C Renegade hooked breech plug  -$ 30.00 then there's screws, misc. little items, etc. well over another $ 50.00. Now over -$350.00 without a barrel and long range sights that would be this amount again.

You would be looking at $750 to $800 for just the parts alone, plus need to assemble or pay someone to do it for you. Still cheaper than a custom rifle in the $2,200 - $2,400 range. No cheap way out.


FLEEBAY is probably one of the worst places to go today for muzzleloader parts!
I've seen parts cheaper from the box stores or manufacturer.
Auctions and forums may be a better place to hunt down parts. Unfortunately, due to a shortage of everything, those who have what you need are going to bend you over and rape your wallet for parts! Vaseline not included! Building A Rifle Out Of Parts... 1139610133


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Building A Rifle Out Of Parts... Empty Re: Building A Rifle Out Of Parts...

Post by deerstalkert 31/01/22, 10:04 am

every blue moon someone lists something at a realistic price, but most have jumped on the "It is a collectable" wagon.
total insanity when someone lists a TC Hawken sidelock percussion lock for 259xx buy it now!
you can get any of the best locks except for Kiblers for less!
any lock with a leaf spring and a bridle can be tuned or tweeked to be reliable.


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Building A Rifle Out Of Parts... Empty Re: Building A Rifle Out Of Parts...

Post by Guest 31/01/22, 10:15 am

I watch Proxibid a lot....T/C's will go anywhere from $200 to one fool that paid $500 for a used TC Hawkin!! That being said CVA's that you could buy for under $100 - $150 during the Trump era, are now $300+!! I'll say one thing, The Communist Democrats are great gun salesmen!


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Building A Rifle Out Of Parts... Empty Re: Building A Rifle Out Of Parts...

Post by Hillbilly57 01/02/22, 09:35 pm

Hillbilly 57 here I just built two different Kibler’s for about 1000.00
Each great shooting locks and barrels if you got the time Jim’s tutorials are awesome . If he had a Hawken I’d buy that too .


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Building A Rifle Out Of Parts... Empty Re: Building A Rifle Out Of Parts...

Post by Hillbilly57 01/02/22, 09:36 pm

1000 .00 each


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Building A Rifle Out Of Parts... Empty Re: Building A Rifle Out Of Parts...

Post by Buck 04/02/22, 04:08 pm

Be careful with your listings, I screwed-up and thought I had listed my wares with a purchase price shown. You guessed it, didn't do so and had folks wanting to buy items worth $300 - $400 bucks for a third of the price that I originally listed them at.  Made a few of the boys mad when I pulled the items, sorry. That's what happens when your tired and not paying attention.

Building A Rifle Out Of Parts... Oops11

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Building A Rifle Out Of Parts... Empty Re: Building A Rifle Out Of Parts...

Post by Buck 20/06/24, 11:40 am

Hello Gang,

Just got back on after some set back with my health, now moving and trying to regain strength. Man I can't believe how this website has taken off.

Good Job Guys and Gals.

Building A Rifle Out Of Parts... Good_s10


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