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Ordering Pure Lead from Buffalo Arms

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Ordering Pure Lead from Buffalo Arms Empty Ordering Pure Lead from Buffalo Arms

Post by EdMehlig 23/04/22, 02:59 pm

I just tried to order more pure lead from Buffalo Arms only to find out they are no longer shipping it via USPS, UPS or FedExp???

So I wonder what is going on and how do they expect to sell any and where can we get pure lead??

Posts : 134
Join date : 2021-11-26
Age : 74

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Ordering Pure Lead from Buffalo Arms Empty Re: Ordering Pure Lead from Buffalo Arms

Post by TheMightyQuinn 23/04/22, 05:51 pm

Rotometals maybe?

Posts : 23
Join date : 2022-02-19

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Ordering Pure Lead from Buffalo Arms Empty Re: Ordering Pure Lead from Buffalo Arms

Post by Admin 24/04/22, 07:58 am

EdMehlig wrote:I just tried to order more pure lead from Buffalo Arms only to find out they are no longer shipping it via USPS, UPS or FedExp???

So I wonder what is going on and how do they expect to sell any and where can we get pure lead??

I hadn’t heard anything about this? I will have to do some checking

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Age : 40
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Ordering Pure Lead from Buffalo Arms Empty Re: Ordering Pure Lead from Buffalo Arms

Post by EdMehlig 24/04/22, 08:04 am

I found out the error was on my part. I did not specify the address where it was to be shipped too. Embarassed

All is good! Very Happy

Posts : 134
Join date : 2021-11-26
Age : 74

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Ordering Pure Lead from Buffalo Arms Empty Re: Ordering Pure Lead from Buffalo Arms

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