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In search of bear hunting video where ML pistol is used.

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In search of bear hunting video where ML pistol is used. Empty In search of bear hunting video where ML pistol is used.

Post by George_Kelley 30/08/22, 05:44 pm

I searched YouTube and mostly found deer hunting videos with ML pistol. Not very exciting, I was hoping for something larger, black bear.

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Join date : 2021-11-29
Age : 57
Location : Murphy, Idaho

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In search of bear hunting video where ML pistol is used. Empty Re: In search of bear hunting video where ML pistol is used.

Post by squattingdog 31/08/22, 09:20 am

George_Kelley wrote: I searched YouTube and mostly found deer hunting videos with ML pistol. Not very exciting, I was hoping for something larger, black bear.

George, that would be interesting, also exciting. In Colorado for bear has to be at least .40 cal. for conical & .50 cal. for RB. Now if you are using a single shot C&B or Flinter, I sure would want a back up just in case that RB just pissed that bear off. If revolver, I'd still want a for sure back up, just in case it got way to exciting....LOL. I have a .44 1847 Walker repro that I have a lot of confidence in, but, ML pistol/revolver are basically shorter range than the CF's. Like you, I have searched google and you tube and haven't been able to find any ML bear hunting with single shot or revolver. Let us know if you find anything on this.

Posts : 203
Join date : 2022-05-15
Location : Colorado


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